Figure F37.
Abundance of Y and Zr/Y vs. Zr content. In the Zr-Y panel the trends for East
Pacific Rise (EPR) MORB (data from J.M. Sinton, pers. comm., 1998), three
Hawaiian shields, and Suiko Seamount define a fan-shaped array of lines, but the
trend for lavas from Nintoku Seamount crosscuts the trends for Suiko Seamount
and the Hawaiian volcanoes (see Fig. F23
caption in the "Site 1205" chapter for data sources). The Zr/Y-Zr
panel shows that lavas from Nintoku Seamount display a wider range in Zr/Y than
EPR MORB and Mauna Kea Volcano shield lavas. HSDP = Hawaiian Scientific Drilling