Figures F1-F7
Tables T1-T5
Plates P1-P4

F1. Paleogeographic reconstruction of Shatsky Rise.

F2. Species number and magnetic susceptibility.

F3. Igorina, Morozovella, and Acarinina relative abundances.

F4. Globanomalina, Chiloguembelina, and Subbotina relative abundances.

F5. I. tadjikistanensis, I. albeari, and I. pusilla relative abundances.

F6. I. pusilla "high trochospire" and I. albeari "chubby" relative abundances.

F7. Main features characterizing the early late Paleocene event at Shatsky Rise.

Tables T1-T5

T1. Studied intervals from Leg 198 holes.

T2. Assemblage data for planktonic foraminifers, Hole 1209A.

T3. Assemblage data for planktonic foraminifers, Hole 1210A.

T4. Assemblage data for planktonic foraminifers, Hole 1211B.

T5. Assemblage data for planktonic foraminifers, Hole 1212B.

Plates P1-P4

P1. Globanomalina, Subbotina, and Schackoina specimens.

P2. Morozovella and Globigerinelloides specimens.

P3. Washed residues selected from three intervals.

P4. Igorina specimens and morphotypes.

Figures F1-F7
Tables T1-T5
Plates P1-P4