Figures F1-F50
Figures F51-F85
Tables T1-T20

F1. Site 1223 and Nuuanu Landslide locations.

F2. Lithologic units and stratigraphy of cores.

F3. Volcaniclastic turbidite with clay above and below.

F4. Multiple thin turbidite layers in a Bouma sequence.

F5. A turbidite directly overlying another turbidite.

F6. Dark-brown clay underlying a coarse turbidite.

F7. Contact between clay and underlying black sand.

F8. Upper portion of Unit 5 crystal vitric tuff.

F9. Possible gas pipes in crystal vitric tuff.

F10. Sharp contact between bioturbated claystone and crystal vitric tuff.

F11. Weakly indurated volcaniclastic sandy siltstone.

F12. Volcaniclastic silty claystone with carbonate granules.

F13. Rip-up clast in volcaniclastic silty claystone.

F14. Volcaniclastic claystone with an upper sharp contact and a basal gradational layer.

F15. Volcaniclastic silty claystone.

F16. Granule and pebble breccia.

F17. Altered palagonitized crystal vitric tuff.

F18. Palagonitized crystal vitric tuff.

F19. Volcaniclastic silty claystone with anhydrite-filled vugs.

F20. Volcaniclastic silty claystone with lithic clasts.

F21. Two zones of highly disturbed white material.

F22. Volcaniclastic clayey siltstone with lithic clasts.

F23. Weakly indurated matrix-supported clayey siltstone.

F24. Sandy fraction of the turbidite levels.

F25. Sandy fraction of turbidite layers.

F26. Claystone with volcanic sand in a turbidite.

F27. Anhydrite-filled vug in volcaniclastic silty claystone.

F28. Columnar and hexagonal habit of anhydrite in vugs.

F29. Crystal vitric tuff.

F30. Skeletal and euhedral olivine in shards in crystal vitric tuff.

F31. Kink banding in an olivine clast in crystal vitric tuff.

F32. Euhedral clinopyroxene in crystal vitric tuff.

F33. Vesicle-free, highly vesicular pale-yellow glass shards.

F34. Plagioclase spherulites in vitric fragments.

F35. Lithic fragment in crystal vitric tuff.

F36. Altered glassy shard in crystal vitric tuff.

F37. Vesicular, vesicle-free altered glass in altered palagonitized crystal vitric tuff.

F38. Palagonitized glass altered to chlorite.

F39. Partially palagonitized glass shards in crystal vitric tuff.

F40. Anhedral and subhedral olivine in the palagonitized crystal vitric tuff.

F41. Skeletal olivine in a palagonitized glass shard and glass shard with palagonite rim.

F42. XRD patterns for brown and yellowish granules.

F43. XRD pattern for an inclusion in the lower crystal vitric tuff.

F44. XRD patterns for a white vug filling and white veinlets.

F45. Palagonitic basaltic glass shards in vitric tuff.

F46. Alteration in altered palagonitized crystal vitric tuff.

F47. Cementation and alteration in the upper vitric tuff.

F48. Deformed and decorated olivine crystals in the upper crystal vitric tuff.

F49. Indurated claystone at the basal contact of the lower vitric tuff.

F50. Vein and radiolarian fillings in recrystallized claystone.

Figures F1-F50
Figures F51-F85
Tables T1-T20