Figures F1-F20
Figures F21-F27
Tables T1-T8

F21. The MWD tool.

F22. The NMR-MRP too.

F23. The VND tool.

F24. LWD data flow.

F25. The DSA tool.

F26. Tool strings used for wireline logging operations.

F27. The VSI.

Tables T1-T8

T1. Sample spreadsheet for smear slide and thin section analyses.

T2. Techniques, standards, and typical reproducibility for IW analyses.

T3. MST sensors.

T4. Measurements for LWD and MWD tools.

T5. Estimated GVR measurement correction factors.

T6. Acronyms and units for LWD and MWD tools.

T7. Measurements made by wireline tool strings.

T8. Acronyms and units used for wireline logging tools.

Figures F1-F20
Figures F21-F27
Tables T1-T8