Figures F1-F21
Tables T1-T8

F1. Core, section, and sample numbering.

F2. Barrel sheet patterns for lithologies.

F3. Classification scheme for sediments.

F4. Naming clastic and volcaniclastic sediments.

F5. Piece log.

F6. Example of igneous rock VCD.

F7. Igneous texture/structure definitions and abbreviations.

F8. Thin section description form.

F9. Visual description sheet symbols.

F10. Structural geology visual description sheet.

F11. Layout of the structural description sheet.

F12. Protractor-goniometer.

F13. Core reference system.

F14. ODP coordinate systems.

F15. Magnetostratigraphic timetable.

F16. ICP interstitial water sample preparation.

F17. ICP sediment sample preparation.

F18. View of the DVTPP tip.

F19. Typical data from a DVTPP deployment.

F20. View of an MTL.

F21. Wireline tool strings used during Leg 205.

Tables T1-T8

T1. Normalization factors for bulk-powder samples.

T2. Abundances of minerals.

T3. Major and trace element concentrations.

T4. Gabbro sample preparation for fluorescent in situ hybridization analysis.

T5. Media used for cultivation of microorganisms.

T6. DNA extractions from gabbro samples.

T7. Logging tool measurement units and acronyms.

T8. Logging tool specifications.

Figures F1-F21
Tables T1-T8