Volatile Hydrocarbons

Headspace gas analysis was conducted as part of the standard protocol required for shipboard safety and pollution prevention monitoring. On average, two samples per core were analyzed (Table T15). Methane (C1) concentrations remain at low background levels (7 ppmv; average = 3 ppmv) to a depth of 1140 mbsf in lithologic Subunit 5B (Fig. F152). From 1140 to 1610.58 mbsf, just above the upper diabase sill (Subunit 5C1), C1 concentrations generally increase downhole with a range of values between 1 and 1353 ppmv. Small amounts (1 ppmv) of ethane (C2) were detected in only five samples above 1176 mbsf (Table T15; Fig. F152). Below this level, down to 1610.58 mbsf, ethane was detected in almost every sample, and its concentrations increase downhole (up to 74 ppmv).

The C1 concentrations increase dramatically to 5854 ppmv in the sediments just below Subunit 5C1 (diabase sill) in Core 210-1276A-88R (1624.01 mbsf), and high concentrations persist in deeper cores (Table T15; Fig. F152). Layers of anomalously unconsolidated high-porosity clay-rich sediments are present in Cores 210-1276A-96R and 97R (1692.33-1703.5 mbsf) (see "Undercompacted Systems: High-Porosity and Low-Velocity Mudstones" in "Density and Porosity" in "Physical Properties"). In these layers, C1 levels rise to 18,669 ppmv. At 1713.01 mbsf (Core 210-1276A-98R), C1 concentrations drop to 556 ppmv in strongly hydrothermally altered sediments. Between 1624.01 and 1703.5 mbsf, the high methane concentrations may be caused by the sill acting as a seal, preventing gas and interstitial water from escaping. In this same interval, C2 concentrations (95-7501 ppmv) increase with depth, following the C1 profile (Fig. F152).

Propane (C3) (up to 1417 ppmv) and traces of branched and straight-chain C4 (up to 102 ppmv) and C5 (up to 6 ppmv) components were commonly detected below 1470 mbsf and always detected below the upper sill (>1624.01 mbsf). C6 was detected in only two samples (210-1276A-94R-4, 0-1 cm, and 97R-3, 0-1 cm), both below the upper sill (Table T15).

C1/C2 ratios are useful to distinguish between biogenic and thermogenic gaseous hydrocarbons. Biogenic gases generally have ratios >1000, whereas ratios <200 may indicate gas generation related to increasing depth and temperature (Claypool and Kvenvolden, 1983; Stein et al., 1995; Whiticar, 1999). C1/C2 ratios in lithologic Subunits 5B and below show a trend of decreasing values with depth (Fig. F152), from values of ~100 at 1200 mbsf to ~10 at 1610.58 mbsf (Table T15). Below the upper sill (1624.01 mbsf), C1/C2 ratios stabilize at low values, ranging between 2 and 6. Overall, low C1/C2 ratios and the presence of longer-chain volatile hydrocarbons indicate that along the cored sequence, thermogenically derived gas is present, either generated in situ or migrating from a source. A weak correspondence exists between higher organic carbon percentages and higher methane concentrations between 1140 and 1684 mbsf (Fig. F153). This suggests that the amount of organic matter present may play a role in the generation of methane.

Carbonate and Organic Carbon

Carbonate determinations were made for a total of 758 samples from Hole 1276A (Table T16). Samples were selected to provide a measure of the carbonate content in different lithologic units and to assess the influence of carbonate content on seismic velocity (see "Velocity Structure of Turbidite Sequences" in "Factors Affecting Sediment Velocity" in "Physical Properties"). Carbonate contents range between 0.1 and 92.9 wt% (Fig. F154). Although the carbonate content profile shows widely varying values downhole, there is a general correlation with the lithologic units. Units 1 (mudstone) and 4 (burrowed mudstones and sandstones) show lower carbonate values (averages = 6.7 and 8 wt%, respectively), whereas Unit 2 (grainstones and marlstones) shows the highest carbonate contents (average = 30.6 wt%). In Unit 5, average carbonate content tends to decrease downhole (average = 22 wt% in Subunit 5A, 14.1 wt% in Subunit 5B, and 9.5 wt% in Subunit 5C) in association with an increase of the mud/clay fraction and a general downhole increase in Al (Fig. F155).

Elemental concentrations of C, N, and H were measured for a total of 443 samples (Table T17; Fig. F154). TOC contents vary between 0 and 9.4 wt%. Unit 4 has uniformly low TOC percentages (average = 0.1 wt%), whereas Unit 5 (mainly dark claystones) shows intermittently higher values but a somewhat low average of 1 wt% (Fig. F154).

C/N ratios range between 0 and 136.8 (Table T17; Fig. F154). C/N ratios are often used as indicators of the origin of organic matter, with lower values (4-10) typical of marine algae and higher values (>20) considered to be typical of land-derived material (Meyers, 1994). In Unit 4, C/N ratios (<9.6) are characteristic of algal material, which could indicate a pelagic origin for the organic fraction. C/N ratios show scattered high and low values in the other lithologic units, although averages of Units 1 and 3 are still typical of marine-derived organic matter (12.2 and 12.7, respectively). These units also show scattered higher values (>25-30), more typical of land-plant material, that could be explained by strong terrigenous turbidite influence. Subunits 5A, 5B, and 5C show somewhat higher C/N values (averages = 21, 16.6, and 18.6, respectively) together with higher organic carbon contents.

A general correlation exists between higher C/N ratios and higher TOC contents in Hole 1276A (Fig. F154), suggesting the possible importance of a terrigenous contribution to the sedimentary organic matter. Smear slide observations (see "Unit 5" in "Lithostratigraphy" and "Site 1276 Smear Slides") confirm an abundance of terrestrial organic matter over the whole cored sequence, with algal material mainly localized in higher-TOC intervals. However, many Cretaceous black shales (Meyers et al., 1984; Meyers, 1987) and Mediterranean sapropels (Bouloubassi et al., 1999; Meyers and Doose, 1999; Nijenhuis and de Lange, 2000) have high C/N ratios even though the organic matter appears to be marine derived. Correspondence of high C/N ratios with high TOC percentages has been postulated to result from a coupling between higher fluxes of organic matter and improved preservation of carbon content (Twichell et al., 2002). This process is promoted by suboxic conditions and appears to be driven by denitrification (Van Mooy et al., 2002).

From the above considerations, C/N values in Unit 5 may indicate partial input of terrestrial material and/or differential nitrogen cycling in this black shale-dominated sequence.

Rock-Eval Pyrolysis

Rock-Eval investigations were conducted for purposes of safety and pollution prevention, with a resolution of two samples per core. To minimize mineral matrix effects, only results from samples with TOC 0.5 wt% (Peters, 1986; Bordenave et al., 1993) and CaCO3 50 wt% (G.E. Claypool, pers. comm., 2003) were considered. Samples with <0.5 wt% TOC and >50 wt% CaCO3 are included in the data table (Table T18) but are not included in the interpretative plots (Fig. F156). During Leg 210, because of technical problems with the Delsi Nermag Rock-Eval II, S3 and TOC data were not acquired. In order to calculate the HI, TOC results from the CHNS analyzer were employed. Rock-Eval parameters are useful in constraining the origin of organic matter and its thermal maturity.

Most samples exhibit Tmax between 435° and 470°C (Table T18; Fig. F156), typical of thermally mature organic matter. Nonetheless, S2 is generally low (<1 mg HC/g sediment), indicating poor hydrocarbon-generating potential. Moreover, low hydrogen indexes along the cored sequence (HI < 100 mg HC/g TOC) indicate that kerogen is predominantly of hydrogen-depleted type III/IV (Fig. F157). This suggests that in Hole 1276A, kerogen might be mainly derived from reworked, preheated terrestrial components (Wagner and Pletsch, 2001).

High Tmax values at 1624 mbsf (528°C) and at ~1692.33 mbsf (up to 575°C) (Fig. F156) might be due to thermal alteration of the organic matter as a result of sill emplacement. However, because of the low S2 values for these samples, we cannot be certain of the accuracy of these Tmax results.

Oceanic Anoxic Events

Shipboard analyses revealed promising indications of black shales that may be related to OAEs in Hole 1276A (see "Origin of Finely Laminated Black Shales"  in "Unit 5" in "Lithostratigraphy"). In Unit 5, it is possible to identify six horizons characterized by higher TOC contents and S2 values (Table T18; Fig. F156).

The top of Subunit 5A (Cores 210-1276A-30R through 31R) has TOC up to 7 wt% and HI up to 452 mg HC/g TOC, indicative of type II marine-derived kerogen. This interval is upper Cenomanian to lowermost Turonian, and it likely corresponds to the "Bonarelli" event, OAE 2.

Core 210-1276A-33R (middle of Subunit 5A) (TOC = 4 wt%; HI = 187 mg HC/g TOC), probably represents the MCE (Leckie et al., 2002), with kerogen indicative of a weak marine origin.

The upper part of Subunit 5B (Cores 210-1276A-42R through 44R) has TOC contents of up to 2.6 wt% and HI typical of terrestrial kerogen. Biostratigraphically, this layer may correspond to OAE 1d (latest Albian), dominated by terrigenous organic matter (Leckie et al., 2002).

Core 210-1276A-55R in Subunit 5B (TOC = 3.8 wt%; S2 values = 2.8 mg HC/g sediment; HI = 73 mg HC/g TOC) is characterized by terrestrially derived type III kerogen. From biostratigraphic constraints, this layer seems to correspond to OAE 1c, which is dominated by terrigenous organic matter (Erbacher and Thurow, 1997).

The bottom of Subunit 5B (Core 210-1276A-73R) is characterized by TOC contents of up to 2.7 wt% and HI of 158 mg HC/g TOC, characteristic of a weak marine origin of the kerogen. Even though this horizon does not correspond to any known OAEs, it has the potential to represent an OAE-type layer.

Core 210-1276A-94R, in the middle of Subunit 5C between the diabase sills, has TOC up to 7.1 wt% and HI up to 357 mg HC/g TOC, indicative of type II marine-derived kerogen. This interval is lower Albian, and it might represent the "Paquier" event, OAE 1b.

The investigation and characterization of these layers will be the subject of detailed shore-based geochemical and biostratigraphic studies.

Interstitial Water Chemistry

Two interstitial water samples were collected from the top of the cored sequence in Cores 210-1276A-2R and 3R (Table T19). Our goal was to measure the concentration of pore water sulfate to evaluate the possible presence of biogenous methane. The samples had low sulfate and methane concentrations, and, because of the dense lithification of the formation (very little pore fluid), we decided to stop interstitial water sampling below Core 210-1276A-3R.

Trace Elements and Redox-Sensitive Metals

Aluminum concentrations vary between 3.3 and 20.1 wt% (Table T4; Fig. F155). Whereas in the upper part of the sequence aluminum contents show high variability, in Unit 5 there is a trend of moderately increasing values downhole (see "Implications of Sediment Chemistry" in "Subunit 5C" in "Unit 5" in "Lithostratigraphy").

Trace and redox-sensitive elements are plotted relative to Al to account for possible varying dilution by detrital minerals. Barium is generally a good proxy for paleoproductivity, especially in the deep ocean (Dymond et al., 1992). In particular, there seems to be an important correlation between fluxes of organic carbon to the seafloor and sedimentary accumulations of barite, which is formed in the water column by the simultaneous decomposition of organic matter and uptake of Ba in settling particles (Dymond et al., 1992). Ba/Al ratios, contrary to expectation, do not show enrichments in relation to OAE 2, the MCE, or OAE 1b (lower Albian) (Fig. F155), which are associated with increased marine productivity. This might be related to a sampling bias because ICP-AES samples and TOC/Rock-Eval samples did not coincide. Alternatively, the absence of enrichments might be due to the presence of extremely anoxic conditions during deposition. Mobilization of barite (Ba sulfate) can occur under sulfate-reducing conditions (Dymond et al., 1992).

Redox-sensitive elements (like Cr and V) are sensitive to changes in their oxidation states and to concomitant changes in chemical behaviors, whereas chalcophile elements (like Ni) are associated with sulfide mineralization (Van der Weijden, 1993). Both redox-sensitive and chalcophile elements are precipitated from seawater, and their accumulation and immobilization in sediment is associated with dysoxic/anoxic conditions either in the water column or in the sediment. Downhole variations of Ni/Al, Cr/Al, and V/Al (Fig. F155) suggest the presence of dysoxic/anoxic conditions in lithologic Unit 5 in correspondence to the possible OAE black shales, particularly Cenomanian-Turonian OAE 2, the MCE, and latest Albian OAE 1d.