Figure F14. Ternary QmKP plot of Hauterivian–Eocene sandstone data from Grand Banks, ODP Site 1276, and Iberian ODP and DSDP sites. Data for Sites 1276 and 398 are presented in Table T1. Data for Leg 149 sites taken from Marsaglia et al. (1996). Sources for other data as indicated. Only mean values for Galicia Bank (Leg 103) data shown to simplify diagram. Note range of K values more limited for Newfoundland (NF) margin samples and that Iberian/Galician samples are the most enriched in potassium feldspar. Symbols for samples are keyed on the plot according to sample ages. Valan = Valanginian, Tith = Tithonian. Polygon is field of variation created by intersection of standard deviations about the mean.