Publication Services

ODP Final Technical Report (PDF; 47 Mb; November 2007)

The following series of publications summarize the scientific and technical accomplishments of each Ocean Drilling Program cruise. To view Integrated Ocean Drilling Program reports and publications go to

The Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program is a two-part publication series produced for each cruise comprised of:

  • Initial Reports: A detailed summary of the scientific and engineering results from each leg.
  • Scientific Results: A series of peer-reviewed papers that describe the results of shore-based studies related to a leg.
  • Cumulative Index: A consolidated index that contains entries from all published ODP Proceedings indexes. This index comprises four separate indexes: subject, taxonomic, geographic/site, and author.
  • The Citations include published or in press citations.
  • Another comprehensive citation resource is the Ocean Drilling Citation Database.
  • Preliminary Reports a summary of the shipboard scientific results and technical operations published shortly after each cruise.
  • Scientific Prospectuses: a precruise plan that was published shortly before each cruise.
  • Technical Notes: laboratory procedures and technical manuals.

Other ocean drilling publications:

ODP/IODP publication obligations of program participants are presented in the IODP Sample, Data, and Obligations Policy.

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Modified on Monday, 24-Sep-2012 11:50:57 CDT.