This form should be submitted to the ODP Data Librarian to document research results produced from working with ODP samples and/or data (for contact information see Appendix C).
Investigator name(s):
Data types: (check all that apply) Core description, Images Physical properties Chemical analyses Paleontology, Age Paleomagnetism X-ray Other (please specify)
Location of the data: (check all that apply) Available on the Web (address): Available by request (Please provide name, address, phone, e-mail):
Data reference information: (fill in all that apply) Citation for paper where data was documented (include authorship, year, article title, journal, issue, and page range):
ODP leg(s) on which samples were collected:
ODP sample request number:
Key words:
45Policy revision made June 2001. See Appendix H.1.a. for details.