Sites 1135 and 1136
Sites 1135 and 1136 (water depths of 1567 and 1931 m, respectively) are
on the southern Kerguelen Plateau, approximately midway between two
ODP Sites (738 and 750) where basaltic basement has previously been
recovered. Sites 1135 and 1136 are ~350 km north of Leg 119 Site 738
and 300 km south of Leg 120 Site 750 (Figs. 3, 4). Major objectives of
drilling on the southern Kerguelen Plateau were to obtain 150 m of
igneous basement to characterize the age, petrography, and compositions
of the lavas, the physical characteristics of the lava flows, and the
environment of the eruption (subaerial or submarine). A specific goal was
to evaluate the areal extent of the continental lithosphere component that
has been recognized in the Site 738 lavas using trace element and isotope
geochemistry; such a component is not present in the more northerly Site
750 lavas (Figs. 9, 10,
11, 12, 13). Sedimentary objectives at Sites 1135
and 1136 were to determine sequence facies, to define the ages of
seismic sequence boundaries, to estimate the duration of possible
subaerial and shallow marine environments, and to obtain minimum
estimates for basement age. Hole instability forced us to abandon Site
1135 after drilling to ~70 m above acoustic basement (Fig. 15), but we
were able to accomplish some of our basement-oriented objectives at Site
1136 (Fig. 16), located ~30 km east of Site 1135. In particular, we
penetrated 33.3 m of basaltic basement that included three inflated
pahoehoe flows, two of which are characterized by massive, relatively
unaltered interiors. These rocks provide excellent samples for radiometric
dating and geochemical analyses.
The 526-m-thick late Pliocene to Late Cretaceous sedimentary sequence
recovered at Site 1135 is almost entirely pelagic calcareous ooze and
chalk (Fig. 17). Chert nodules are common from ~140 m below seafloor
(mbsf) to the bottom of the hole. We recovered an expanded (238 m thick)
middle Eocene to latest Paleocene nannofossil ooze section, an interval
not well represented during previous coring on the Kerguelen Plateau or
elsewhere in the Southern Ocean at these high latitudes (~60°S). The study
of this section will improve high-latitude biostratigraphic correlations.
Furthermore, a Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary section at ~260 mbsf is
possibly marked by a bed of light greenish gray calcareous clay with an
irregular upper contact and scattered well-rounded clasts of white
nannofossil ooze. These features suggest an erosional or mass-wasting
event. We have tentatively identified Chron C29n above, and Chron C29r
below the boundary, respectively. Near the boundary, velocity, magnetic
susceptibility, and natural gamma ray intensity change significantly; in
addition, water content, porosity, and carbonate content decrease below
the boundary. Sedimentation rates were high in the Paleogene ooze (up to
15 m/m.y.) and Cretaceous chalks (8-10 m/m.y.); the Paleocene section,
however, is abbreviated by hiatuses.
The 128-m-thick sedimentary sequence recovered at Site 1136 (Fig. 18)
includes an expanded upper lower Eocene to lower middle Eocene section
of pelagic calcareous ooze and chalk (Unit II) that is not well represented
in other drill holes on the Kerguelen Plateau or in any other southern high
latitude sites. Study of these sediments will refine high-latitude middle
Eocene biostratigraphic zonations. Underlying these pelagic sediments is
calcareous zeolitic volcanic clayey sand (Unit IV), probably deposited in a
high-energy neritic (shelf) environment, and a carbonate-bearing zeolitic
silty clay (Unit V). Fossil debris in Unit V is common and suggests
deposition at shallow paleodepths (upper bathyal to outer neritic) in more
tranquil conditions than prevailed during deposition of the overlying
clayey sand. The sands and clays overlying basement basalt contain diluted
but relatively well-preserved micro- and nannofossil faunas of middle
Albian age, thereby providing a minimum age for the section and
underlying basalts of ~104.5-106.5 Ma. Lower Albian marine sediments
have not been recovered during previous drilling on the Kerguelen Plateau,
but sands and clays recovered in Hole 1136A resemble lower Albian
sediment drilled on the Falkland Plateau. The sands and clays may
correspond to nonmarine, palynomorph-bearing Albian sediment found in
silt and claystone cored at Site 750 on the SKP. Albian and Late
Cretaceous nannoplankton, foraminifers, and pollen assemblages will
provide information on regional paleoceanographic conditions during those
times. The epiclastic succession (Units IV and V) and overlying calcareous
sediments reflect increasing water depths with time concomitant with a
decreasing volcaniclastic component in the sediments. Basaltic volcanic
components in the epiclastic sediments at this site are probably derived
from erosion of the basaltic plateau.
At Site 1136, from 128.1 to 161.4 mbsf, we cored three normally
magnetized tholeiitic basalt flows (55% recovery; Fig. 18). We infer that
the vesicular tops of the two upper flows were not recovered. Basalt from
the uppermost flow (6.2 m recovered from an ~10-m-thick flow) varies
downward from moderately altered to a massive interior to a
fine-grained, vesicle-rich (~10% clay filled vesicles) and oxidized base.
Horizontal vesicle sheets and the general vertical distribution of vesicles
within the massive interior and lower crust of the upper flow imply that
it formed as an inflated pahoehoe flow. Basalt from the middle flow (13.3
m recovered from an ~20-m-thick flow) varies downward from a massive
interior to a fine-grained, vesicle-rich (10%-15%) base. This flow is also
probably an inflated, large-volume pahoehoe flow. We only recovered 53
cm of a vesicular basalt breccia that forms the rubbly flow top of the
lower flow. Although we cannot unambiguously determine the eruption
environment of these flows, the inference that they are inflated pahoehoe
flows and the absence of features indicating submarine volcanism (e.g.,
pillows and quenched glassy margins) suggest subaerial eruption.
All lavas are sparsely to moderately phyric basalts containing
phenocrysts of plagioclase with lesser amounts of clinopyroxene olivine.
Phenocrysts are found as either isolated grains or as two texturally
distinct types of glomerocrysts. Corroded plagioclase cores in one
glomerocryst type resemble those in small (~1 cm) microgabbro xenoliths.
Vesicle-rich segregations (1-2 cm wide) contain 10%-30% vesicles in a
nonporphyritic, fine- to medium-grained matrix rich in glass and
titanomagnetite. The basaltic rocks are slightly to completely altered to
low temperature secondary phases that partially replace primary
minerals, completely replace mesostasis, fill veins, and partially to
completely fill vesicles. The most common secondary minerals are clays
(Mg-saponite and celadonite), calcite, and zeolites. In general, clay
minerals abound at all depths, whereas the abundances of calcite and
zeolites exhibit more pronounced downhole variations. The wide variation
of K and Rb contents in the lavas analyzed by XRF reflects formation of
these secondary phases.
The four least altered samples (loss on ignition [LOI] = 0.9% to 2.1%) from
the upper and middle flows have 50.0-51.0 wt% SiO2, 6.4-6.7 wt% MgO,
and 1.60-1.76 wt% TiO2. Both flows are quartz-normative tholeiitic
basalts (Fig. 19) with relatively low MgO and Ni contents and low Mg
numbers; they are similar to basement rocks from other parts of the
Kerguelen Plateau. In detail, the upper flow has marginally lower Ti, Nb,
Zr, Y, and Ce, distinctly lower V, and higher Cr abundances than the middle
flow. Primitive-mantle-normalized abundances of highly incompatible
trace elements (Ba, Nb, and Ce) are only slightly greater than those of less
incompatible elements (Ti and Y). Site 1136 lavas do not have the
anomalously low Nb/Ce and Ti/Zr ratios that have been used in conjunction
with isotope data to infer a continental lithospheric component in basalt
from Site 738 on the southern plateau (Fig. 20). In many geochemical
characteristics, Site 1136 lavas are similar to the low
Al2O3 group at Site 749. No evidence indicates
that these lavas contain a component derived from continental
Major results of drilling at Sites 1135 and 1136 on the SKP include the
- 1. Expanded middle Eocene to uppermost Paleocene (Site 1135) and
upper lower Eocene to lower middle Eocene (Site 1136) pelagic
calcareous sediment sections not previously recovered at any
Southern Ocean sites will improve our understanding of
high-latitude paleoceanography at critical times of Paleogene
cooling as well as aid high-latitude biostratigraphic correlations.
- 2. Albian and Late Cretaceous nannoplankton, foraminifers, and pollen
assemblages will provide information on regional paleoceanographic
conditions during those times of high relative sea level and high
global temperatures.
- 3. Paleoenvironments of volcanic rock and overlying sediment range
from subaerial (basalt) to neritic (clay and sand) to pelagic (chalk
and ooze), documenting subsidence of the Kerguelen Plateau since
Early Cretaceous time.
- 4. The >105-Ma basement basalts at Site 1136 are 10- to 20-m-thick
inflated pahoehoe flows similar to continental flood basalts, such as
the Columbia River Basalt; there is no geochemical evidence for the
continental lithosphere component present in Site 738 basalts.
Leg 183 Principal Results - Site 1137
Leg 183 Table of Contents