Figure F1. Location map showing positions of Leg 190 and 196 sites. The red box outlines the location of the three-dimensional seismic survey. Yellow numbers indicate sites revisited during Leg 196. Depth contours are in kilometers.
Figure F2. Generalized depth section showing site locations and major structural features and provinces. This drawing is based on seismic reflection data from Hills et al. (unpubl. data). VE = vertical exaggeration. Seismic time section across Leg 196 Sites 1173 and 808 showing the transition from the Shikoku Basin to the imbricate thrust zone. The section is composed of a northwest-trending segment of seismic line 215 through Site 1173, with a diagonal transition to line 281 that passes near Sites 1174 and 808. CDP = common depth point.
Figure F3. Seismic time section across Leg 196 Sites 1173 and 808 showing the transition from the Shikoku Basin to the imbricate thrust zone. The section is composed of a northwest-trending segment of seismic line 215 through Site 1173, with a diagonal transition to line 281 that passes near Sites 1174 and 808. CDP = common depth point.
Figure F4. Seismic depth section across Leg 196 Sites 1173, 1174, and 808 (Hills et al., unpubl. data). The section is composed of a northwest-trending segment of seismic Line 215 through Site 1173, with a diagonal transition to Line 281 that passes near Sites 1174 and 808. VE = vertical exaggeration.
Figure F5. Site 1173 summary diagram that combines results of Legs 190 and 196. From left: depth-converted seismic reflection data, core recovery, core-based lithology and facies interpretation, bedding dip, pore water geochemistry, temperature-depth gradient, log resistivity, clay mineral content, and gamma ray log, core and log density, and core and log porosity (computed from the density log using core grain density values). VE = vertical exaggeration, CDP = common depth point, RAB = resistivity at the bit, SFLU = spherically focused resistivity measurement, XRD = X-ray diffraction, ACORK = advanced circulation obviation retrofit kit.
Figure F6. Site 808 summary diagram showing combined results of Legs 131 and 196. From left: depth-converted seismic reflection data, core-based facies interpretation, recovery, lithologic units and lithology, logging-while-drilling (LWD) gamma ray, core and LWD density, core and log porosity (computed from the density log using core grain density values), pore water chlorinity, fracture dip from LWD resistivity-at-the-bit (RAB) images, core P-wave velocities, and LWD resistivity. CDP = common depth point, ACORK = advanced circulation obviation retrofit kit.
Figure F7. RAB image of Hole 808I showing all interpreted fractures. Fractures are separated into conductive (blue) and resistive (red) fractures. Tadpoles show fractures as dip direction with respect to north and dip (0°90°). Deformation intensifies significantly at the frontal thrust (389414 mbsf), a fractured interval correlated with Leg 131, Site 808 core analysis (559574 mbsf), and the décollement zone (~950 mbsf). The interval of continuous strong borehole breakouts is labeled between ~270 and ~530 mbsf, coincident with logging Unit 2 and bracketing the frontal thrust zone. Fracture orientations are dominantly northeast-southwest (dip directions: northwest-southeast) within the frontal thrust and 560-mbsf fractured interval but are more randomly oriented with depth. A north-south fracture orientation (east-west dip direction) is dominant within the décollement zone.
Figure F8. RAB image of breakouts (dark low-resistivity parallel lines down image) at 460505 mbsf in Hole 808I showing images at 1-in (shallow), 3-in (medium), and 5-in (deep) penetration from the borehole. This image is ~100 m below the frontal thrust zone, close to the base of logging Unit 2. The breakouts indicate the orientation of the minimum horizontal compressive stress (2) ~northeast-southwest, which is in good agreement with the plate convergence vector of ~310°314° aligned with the maximum compressive stress,
1 (90° to