173 Scientific Prospectus


Position: 40°40.90'N, 11°15.30'W
Water Depth: 4830 m
Sediment Thickness: 1050 m
Total Penetration:1550 m

Seismic Coverage: Lusigal-12, SP4580; Line CAM 145

1) Sample acoustic basement high (continental crust overlain by synrift (?) or early postrift sediments).
2) To characterize the tectonic and magmatic processes that dominate the transition from continental to oceanic crust.
3) Determine the petrogenic origin, synrift melting and metamorphic history of igneous basement. Confirm predictions of continental crust at this site and the approximate level from which it came.

Drilling Program: Wash down to 100 m above basement and then RCB several tens of meters in basement or to bit destruction.

Logging and Downhole Operations: Quad, GLT, FMS

Nature of Rock Anticipated: Nannofossil clay, clay, claystone, siltstone and fine sandstone, ooze, and chalk; mid/lower continental crust possibly overlain by synrift (?) or early postrift sediments.

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