Figure 6. Possible north-south geologic cross sections of the Atlantis II
Bank through Hole 735B consistent with existing geological and
geophysical data, gravity, and magnetics. Except at Hole 735B, fault
locations and geometries are uncertain. The presence of a dike-gabbro
transition as shown on the right of all the models is also hypothetical. A.
Crustal stratigraphy around Hole 735B as suggested by Cannat (1993) and
Swift and Stephen (1992), consistent with earlier inferences of Hess
(1962). B. Crustal stratigraphy assuming Hole 735B is representative of
the lower crust down to the mantle (Dick et al., 1991a). C. Crustal
stratigraphy based on the layered intrusion model for ophiolites as
proposed for Oman (after Pallister and Hopson, 1981; Smewing, 1981).
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