Site: APSHE-04A

Priority: 1
63°56.52'S, 65°34.62'W
Water Depth:
490 m
Sediment Thickness:
>2000 m
Approved Maximum Penetration:
1050 mbsf
Seismic Coverage:
Explora Line AI95-152 and Discovery Line AMG845-08

The objectives of Site APSHE-04A are to:

1. Identify and date the main changes in wedge geometry during progradation of the glacial wedge including the "pre-glacial"/glacial transition (conformable boundary between the oldest part of S2 and the youngest "pre-glacial" S3).

2. Examine topset (S1 and S2) and"pre-glacial" (S3) lithologies and compare with rise drift.

Drilling Program: Single RCB hole to 785 m.

Logging and Downhole Operations: Standard suites IPLT-DLT and FMS-sonic, plus GHMT.

Nature of Rock Anticipated: Diamicton (alternations of lodgement till in topsets and proximal glacial marine) with thin biosiliceous interbeds to base of S2, then uncertain lithology (glacial marine diamicton or biosiliceous hemipelagic).

Note: seismic line same as Site APSHE-01A

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