Site CS-11A | Table of Contents


Figure 14. Track line for leg 194 seismic data.
Figure 29. Detailed high-resolution east-west seismic section used to locate Site CS-10A.

Priority: 1
Position: 20°24.18'S, 152°40.23'E
Water Depth: 431 m
Sediment Thickness: 484 m
Target Depth: 493 mbsf
Approved Maximum Penetration: 600 mbsf
Seismic Coverage: Intersection of regional Lines MAR-04 (shotpoint 3945, CDP 7898) and MAR 15 (shotpoint 3558 and CDP 7050)

Objectives: The objectives of Site CS-10A are the following.

1. Determine the chronostratigraphy for Megasequences A-D.
2. Determine the age of the initial marine transgression over basement.
3. Determine the age and facies of lowstand deposits.
4. Determine the age and nature of basement.
5. Calibrate the seismic stratigraphy.

Drilling Program: Triple APC/XCB (~1 core into basement)

Logging and Downhole Operations: Triple-combo, sonic-FMS, WST, GHMT (if available)

Nature of Rock Anticipated: Approximately 122 m of hemipelagic ooze overlying ~312 m of periplatform ooze, wackestones with some siltstones, mudstones, and turbidites; underlying basement composed of Paleozoic quartz-feldspar mafic metasediment

Site CS-11A | Table of Contents