Site: HE-1A (Site 192)
Priority: 2 (alternate)
Position: 53°0.57'N, 164°42.81'E
Water Depth: 3000 m
Sediment Thickness: 1044 m
Target Drilling Depth: 1150 m
Approved Maximum Penetration: 1150 mbsf
Seismic Coverage: Glomar Challenger Leg 19 0400 UTC
Objectives: The objectives of Site HE-1A are to:
2. Determine the geochemical signature of the oldest part of the Hawaiian-Emperor chain
3. Determine the nature of the Late Cretaceous time-averaged geomagnetic field
4. Determine the Late Cretaceous paleointensity of the geomagnetic field
5. Recover a North Pacific Paleogene paleoceanographic record
Drilling Program: RCB
Logging and Downhole: Triple combo, FMS
Nature of Rock Anticipated: Silty clay, diatom ooze, volcanic ash beds, claystone, minor calcareous layers, chalk, minor sand beds, and basalt