Site Summaries
Site: ODP Site 844
Priority: Alternate
Position: 7°55.28'N, 90°28.85'W
Water Depth: 3414 m
Sediment Thickness: 291 m
Target Drilling Depth: Through sediment-basement transition (>291 m)
Approved Maximum Penetration: Requested same maximum penetration as for Leg 138.
Seismic Coverage: Thomas Washington station 13, 0655UTC, 25 September 1989.
See seismic line.
Objectives: Control site for comparison to proposed Sites EQP-1A and EQP-2A. Normal open
ocean site, sulfate concentrations decline 1 to 2 mmol downhole and they contain no geochemical
evidence of subsurface flow.
Drilling Program: TBD
Logging and Downhole Program: TBD
Nature of Rock Anticipated: Diatomaceous ooze, diatomaceous clay, radiolarian ooze, and nannofossil ooze.