Computer Laboratory

Staff Liaison: Carl Richter

Shipboard Network Update

To streamline network performance, the old Netware 3.x server "Novserv1" was retired and replaced with Netware 4.x on a new Pentium machine during Leg 166.

Ship FDDI Installation

The proposed installation of FDDI (optical network) cable on Leg 167 has been postponed.

Sun Workstation SunOS to Solaris Migration

An upgrade of the present Sparc 20 server from Solaris 2.4 to Solaris 2.5 took place during Leg 166. Solaris 2.5 has much improved graphical user interface (GUI) based administration tools and a claimed 30% increase in network file server (NFS) performance.

Standard Shipboard Sun Environment

A document outlining the shipboard Sun environment has been completed and distributed.

Janus Support

Database backup procedures for the server (in readiness for Leg 168) have been successfully created and tested.

WEB Server to Host Electronic Shore Documents

Netscape Web server software has been installed on the Peary server (Leg 166). This allows the creation of a home page, giving shipboard personnel access to available shore documents in HTML format.

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