Ship's Schedule

See PCOM Motion 95-3-8 for further information.



Leg nameCruise dates Port of origin*Total days Days in transit Days on site
164Gas Hydrates 31 October-19 December 1995 Halifax, Newfoundland50 840
165Caribbean Ocean History 24 December 1995-18 February 1996 Miami, Florida, U.S.A.56 1145
166Bahamas 23 February-11 April 1996 San Juan, Puerto Rico48 840
166TTransit 14-20 April 1996Balboa, Panama 66 0
167California Margin 21 April-16 June 1996 Acapulco, Mexico 5611 45
168Juan de Fuca Hydrothermal 21 June-16 August 1996 San Francisco, California, U.S.A. 564 52
169SSaanich Inlet 19-21 August 1996 Victoria, British Columbia, Canada 20 0
169Sedimentary Ridges II 22 August-17 October 1996 Victoria, British Columbia, Canada 566 50
170Costa Rica 22 October-17 December 1996 San Diego, California, U.S.A.5611 45
171ABarbados LWD
(Logging While Drilling)
21 December 1995-8 January 1997 Bridgetown, Barbados 12 111
171BBlake Nose 9 January-14 February 1997 Bridgetown, Barbados36 630
172NW Atlantic Sediment Drifts 19 February-16 April 1997 Charleston, South Carolina, U.S.A. 5615 41
173Iberia 21 April-16 June 1997Lisbon, Portugal 5610 46
174ANew Jersey Shelf 21 June-19 July 1997 Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada 243 21
174BCORK/Engineering 20 July-18 August 1997 New York, New York, U.S.A. 2914 15
175Benguela Current 23 August-18 October 1997 Las Palmas, Canary Islands, Spain5619 37
176Hole 735B 23 October-18 December 1997 Cape Town, South Africa56 1640
Although five-day port calls are generally scheduled, the ship sails when ready.

This file was updated May 31, 1996, after publication of the Semiannual Report.

To Semiannual Report Contents

To Program Updates, Leg Highlights Contents