Planning Committee (PCOM)

ODP Staff Liaison: Tim Francise-mail address:
Date and location of last meeting: 22-25 April 1996. Aix-en-Provence, France
Date and location of next meeting: 19-22 August 1996. Townsville, Australia

Motions and Consensus Statements Requiring Action by ODP/TAMU
December 1995 Meeting

PCOM Motion 95-3-5:
PCOM endorses inclusion of the Saanich Inlet mini-leg in the FY96 drilling schedule.
Action: This has been designated Leg 169S.
PCOM Motion 95-3-6:
PCOM asks that the lead proponent of this Proposal, Brian Bornhold, act as the Scientific Co-ordinator of the Saanich Inlet mini-leg.
Action: Brian Bornhold has accepted ODP's invitation to participate in the leg.
PCOM Motion 95-3-7:
PCOM approves the VSP experiments proposed for Leg 166.
Action: The VSP experiments took place as scheduled on Leg 166 at Sites 1003, 1005, 1006, and 1007. They were deemed to be successful.
PCOM Motion 95-3-8:
PCOM approves the following proposals for FY97 scheduling on the JOIDES Resolution:
Proposal 300 (Return to 735B), Proposal 354 (Benguela), Proposal 348 (New Jersey), Proposal 461 (Return to Iberia), Proposal 462 (Blake Nose), Proposal 475 (Physical Properties in Accretionary Prisms-Barbados), Proposal 404 (NW Atlantic Sediment Drifts), Proposal 324 (CORK 395A), and an Engineering Leg.
Action: Refer to the new schedule (link to Ship's Schedule) for further details.
PCOM Consensus 95-3-13:
PCOM, endorsing the recommendation of PANCH, supports the TEDCOM subcommittee's recommendation regarding the acquisition of quotes for the evaluation and construction of the alternative seafloor DCS feed control system, and recommends that JOI ask ODP/TAMU to conduct this evaluation.
Action: Investigation is under way.
PCOM Motion 95-3-14:
PCOM accepts the recommendations of the Information Handling Panel for publication of the Preliminary Reports and requests JOI to advise ODP/TAMU to proceed with their implementation as stated in the Draft Minutes for their September 1995 meeting.
Action: Implementation is completed. Available on the WWW are Preliminary Reports beginning with Leg 159 and Scientific Prospectuses beginning with Leg 164.
PCOM Motion 95-3-15:
PCOM accepts the recommendations of the Information Handling Panel for publication of the Initial Reports and requests JOI to advise ODP/TAMU to proceed with their implementation as stated in the Draft Minutes for their September 1995 meeting, with the following exceptions and additions:
A. The number of figures and tables to be included in the 100 pages allowed in the printed volume will be at the discretion of the Co-Chief Scientists in consultation with the Shipboard Scientific Party.
B. Site Summary Sections may be combined where the individual sites consist of short holes and individual Site Summary Sections would produce unnecessary repetition of text.
C. The 200-page length of the Prime Data section as stated in the IHP Fall 1995 minutes is only an estimate for a typical leg. The actual length of this section will be a function of the total recovery for each leg and the new format for this section previously approved by PCOM at their Spring 1995 meeting.*
* PCOM notes that the new publication policy seeks to cut costs by imposing a less expensive format on publications. PCOM recognizes that the size of the actual savings will vary depending on external factors such as the cost of paper and printing and the amount of recovery by the JOIDES Resolution. PCOM recognizes that increases in cost due to such external factors will require additional funds for publications of the Results volumes.
D. Formatting and Styles: Software for preparation of text and tables will include both Microsoft Word and WordPerfect in Mac or DOS formatting.**
E. Conversion of Mac-formatted files to DOS if desired by ODP/TAMU will be the responsibility of ODP/TAMU.
** Note that documents prepared in Word can be easily saved as WordPerfect files at the end of a leg if desired by ODP/TAMU.
Action: Discussion is underway between PCOM, JOI, and ODP/TAMU to decide upon the best method of implementing this motion.
PCOM Motion 95-3-16:
PCOM advises JOI that it gives a high priority to purchase of scanners and disc storage space for the production of the Initial Reports volume. PCOM requests that this equipment be purchased after further investigation of available options and their cost-benefit ratio.
Action: Purchase of the equipment has been approved by JOI. Bids are currently being sought from potential vendors, with a view to the equipment being acquired in Summer 1996.
PCOM Motion 95-3-17:
PCOM accepts the recommendations of the Information Handling Panel for publication of the Scientific Results and requests JOI to advise ODP/TAMU to proceed with their implementation as stated in the Draft Minutes for their September 1995 meeting, with the following exceptions and additions:
A. The deadline for initial submission of papers for the Scientific Results be increased to 24 months post-cruise to allow adequate time for the preparation of quality manuscripts.
B. The deadline for revision of manuscripts following their initial acceptance will be increased to 10 weeks upon receipt of the manuscript by the first author.
C. Upon final acceptance of a manuscript, authors will have four weeks to return a manuscript formatted to ODP standards. Manuscripts will be returned without changes by ODP/TAMU if the formatting is unacceptable. ODP/TAMU shall have the right to reject manuscripts outright that fail to conform to its standards for formatting in order to meet production deadlines.
D. The date for lifting of the moratorium on independent outside publication will be 12 months post-cruise for all legs.
E. Manuscripts submitted for outside publication prior to the closing date for the Scientific Results volume must be simultaneously sent to ODP/TAMU for distribution to the Editorial Review Board.
F. Scientists must advise ODP/TAMU of acceptance and the likely publication date of all outside articles prior to the closing date of the Scientific Results volume.
G. Scientists must supply a copy of the final abstract and citation for all outside articles accepted for publication prior to the closing date of the Scientific Results volume for inclusion in the Scientific Results.
H. The Scientific Results volume will include only abstracts and citations to outside articles, not reprints, due to the limits on total pages available to scientists submitting articles directly to the volume.
I. It is the responsibility of the ERB to review all manuscripts submitted for outside publication prior to the closing date of the Scientific Results volume for fair and adequate citation of both the Initial Reports and Scientific Results, and for proper use of data collected post-cruise by others and to advise the authors on this issue. Where necessary, it is the responsibility of the ERB to advise the editor of the appropriate journal of deficient citation or improper use of data.
Action: Discussion is underway between PCOM, JOI, and ODP/TAMU to decide upon the best method of implementing this motion.
PCOM Motion 95-3-18:
PCOM requests JOI to direct ODP/TAMU to raise the price of Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program volumes to $60 and to widen the distribution of volumes rather than cut the size of the production run.
Action: The motion is currently under review by JOI.

April 1996 Meeting

PCOM Consensus 96-1-3:
PCOM encourages a workshop to be held in June 1996 to investigate the scientific and technical benefits of using JOIDES Resolution to conduct tension pile tests necessary for commercial operations in water depths beyond those accessible by jack-up rigs. Future utilization of JOIDES Resolution in such operations would depend on the possibilities of significant benefits to both the scientific and technical communities. Actual scheduling of JOIDES Resolution ship-time must be done in the context of other programs scheduled or under consideration.
Action: The workshop on "The Application of Hydraulic Piston Coring to Site Investigation for Deepwater Production Platforms," co-sponsored by ODP/TAMU and the Offshore Technology Research Center at TAMU, is scheduled to take place on 18 June 1996 in Houston.
PCOM Motion 96-1-4:
Whereas current development of the DCS is proceeding satisfactorily; whereas technological development is a keystone of the LRP; whereas improvements in heave compensation techniques offer improvements in all drilling phases; and whereas further reduction of DCS engineering effectively terminates the project with the spectre of greater re-start costs later, PCOM gives its support to continued DCS development at the level requested by ODP/TAMU, for Phase III of that project.
Action: Phase IIIA will start approximately May 13. Phase IIIA will consist of the design, configuration, and deployment of a hardware/sensor package on the vessel to confirm sensor choices that resulted from the Phase II heave compensation controller design effort.
PCOM Motion 96-1-7:
PCOM accepts the recommendation of DMP to redefine the geochemical tool string as an ODP Specialty Tool and sees no other significant way to reduce items for inclusion in the WLS Scope of Work. PCOM agrees that the WLS RFP should refrain from descriptions that compel selection of any specific operator as the provider of logging tools.
Action: This is currently under review.
PCOM Motion 96-1-8:
PCOM approves the request of the Co-Chiefs of Leg 173 that to maximize basement recovery they wash down to approximately 100m above basement.
Action: This will be finalized during the Leg 173 pre-cruise meeting.
PCOM Motion 96-1-9:
Any potential time that may be available on Leg 174B as a result of not being able to do engineering tests, be re-allocated on a 50-50 basis to Leg 174A and the LoI for the CORKing work, with the proviso that if there are required port changes, it does not impact the science time on other legs.
Action: The feasibility of conducting the engineering tests on this leg will be determined and presented to PCOM for evaluation during its August meeting.
PCOM Consensus 96-1-10:
PCOM considered the FY97 schedule prepared by JOI and ODP/TAMU following the recommendations of the December 1995 meeting. No changes in the schedule are recommended other than the following:
1) should extra time become available from the engineering portion of Leg 174B, it should be divided equally between Leg 174A and the CORK operation at Barbados that is proposed as part of Leg 174B (see PCOM Motion 96-1-9); and
2) any additional gains from port-call changes should be allocated to Leg 174A.
Action: See PCOM Motion 96-1-9
PCOM Motions 96-1-12 and 13: These motions refer to ODP publications. Discussions are underway between PCOM, JOI, and ODP/TAMU to decide upon the best method of implementing these motions.
PCOM Motion 96-1-14
PCOM (or its successor, ODP Science Committee, SciCom) will establish two science review panels in line with the two major themes of the Long Range Plan. These panels will be generally tasked with the review of ODP proposals for scientific quality and potential feasibility (potential feasibility may require development of new capabilities and technologies). These panels will meet at the same time and place so that they can discuss divergent issues separately, and common issues together.
Action: Once the new JOIDES structure has been fully defined, ODP/TAMU will be reviewing panel liaison structure accordingly.
PCOM Motion 96-1-15
PCOM recommends that the $221K estimated for Item 29 (Costa Rica LWD) of the tabled X-base budget be moved in priority to above the funding cut-off line. To preserve budget balance, PCOM recommends that the equivalent $221K be moved to below this cut-off line by removing the following items: Resistivity at bit LWD tool test, CORK bottom hole televiewer, $50K from pre-JANUS data migration, NW Atlantic Sediment Drifts GHMT (Leg 172), $25K from the core-image capture system, and most of Blake Nose GHMT (Leg 171C). The top priority for reinstatement, should funds become available, is the GHMT tool for Leg 171C.
Action: Adoption of this motion may impact the scheduling of Legs 171A and 171B.
PCOM Motion 96-1-18
PCOM recommends the formation of a Detailed Planning Group to further develop and prioritize proposals near Antarctica related to the history and extent of Antarctic Glaciation and Climate (the JOIDES Office will determine which proposals and LoI's are appropriate). The mandate for this working group is to:
1) develop viable drilling plans to constrain the timing and extent of regional glaciation;
2) guide the proponent groups as they assemble relevant site survey information and submit it to the Site Survey Data Bank;
3) prioritize the proposals based on scientific quality and consistency with the ODP Long Range Plan;
4) consider operational constraints, recognizing that weather will likely limit the extent of drilling operations in the region; and
5) submit a drilling plan for possible inclusion in the 1998 drilling prospectus for the August 1996 PCOM meeting, and further reports if needed for Fall 1996 thematic panel meetings and the December 1996 PCOM meeting. PCOM will evaluate in its December 1996 meeting whether to disband this DPG, or continue its operation.
Action: ODP/TAMU will host the meeting at College Station, although a date has not yet been established.
PCOM Consensus 96-1-19
PCOM requests that ODP/TAMU investigate the use of differential GPS on board the JOIDES Resolution.
Action: The Underway LWG will investigate and report to PCOM, via Tim Francis, on the options, costs, and implications of such an acquisition at its August meeting.
PCOM Consensus 96-1-20
PCOM request that JOI ask ODP/TAMU to re-define its budget priorities and ensure that ODP/TAMU liaisons to SSP are able to attend every meeting of that panel.
Action: See PCOM Motion 96-1-14
PCOM Motion 96-1-23
PCOM accepts the DPG Report on a drilling plan for Leg 172 and agrees to its recommendations, with the following amendments:
1) use of the GHMT tool is not advised for any of Leg 172, and
2) at Site BBOR-4B, penetration by double XCB to recover Pliocene sediment will precede efforts to begin a third XCB.
Action: These amendments will be dealt with at the Leg 172 pre-cruise meeting.

To Semiannual Report Contents

To Panel Recommendations Contents