Information Handling Panel (IHP)

ODP Staff Liaisons:

Russ Merrill/Ann Klaus

e-mail address:

Date and location of last meeting: 28 February-1 March 1996. College Station, Texas, U.S.A.
Tentative date and location of next meeting: Paleo Group 9-10 September, IHP 11-13 September 1996. Kiel, Germany.

Proposals Requiring Action by ODP/TAMU

JOIDES Panel List:
The JOIDES Panel List should be cut from volumes since they are reproduced in the JOIDES Journal.
Action: ODP/TAMU Publications will not publish this list in 1997.
Distribution of Informal Publications:
Support the reduction of hard-copy informal publications (Scientific Prospectus and Preliminary Report) distribution to four copies per ODP office. Continue to distribute the publication on the Web. If members of the community need a hard copy of a report, they should request one from their ODP office or from ODP/TAMU Publications Department.
Action: ODP/TAMU Publications will implement this procedure beginning with Scientific Prospectus 170 and Preliminary Report 165.
Technical Notes:
The Paleo Group decided that the Nigrini/Sanfilippo document "Cenozoic Radiolarian Stratigraphy" would be a very valuable Technical Note. They agreed that this document would be valuable in three formats:
1) hard copy
2) Web version
3) CD-ROM (the Technical Note could be added to an IR or SR viewable volume CD to decrease publication manufacturing costs).
The subcommittee recommended that ODP advertise the availability of the publication on the Internet (e.g., micropaleontology list server) and query recipients of Technical Note 24.
Action: ODP/TAMU Publications will set a goal to publish this document on all three mediums by the next IHP meeting.
Prime Data:
The Panel recommended that the definition of "prime data" remain the same (including thin section descriptions and smear slide tables) and that smear slides and thin section tables continue to be included in the prime data section of the book when the new format IR is initiated.
Action: ODP/TAMU Publications will print all prime-data material in new-format IR volumes.
Digital Image Formats:
ODP/TAMU Publications should scan 4x5 transparencies (of whole core) at 1100 dpi, and scan portions of core at 300 dpi. Minimum resolution should be 300 dpi.
The purchase of a scanner that can produce these files efficiently is strongly endorsed.
Action: ODP/TAMU Publications will carry this out when the purchase of scanning equipment is approved by JOI and appropriations are received.
SR Publication Deadlines:
SR publication deadlines should be fixed regardless of pleas from shipboard authors or co-chiefs and IHP should back up Publications Manager when deadline extension requests are refused.
Action: The Manager of Publications will continue to enforce strict deadlines.
Micropaleontological Reference Center:
IHP endorses the creation of a satellite MRC at the Bremen Core Repository to include foraminifer and radiolarian samples that would be shipped from the Lamont MRC. Details of transfer and guidelines should be worked out by Pal/Strat subcommittee.
IHP endorses the creation of a satellite MRC at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro to include foraminifer samples that would be shipped from the Scripps MRC. Details of transfer and guidelines should be worked out by Paleo Group.
Action: Brian Hube will coordinate the creation of the satellite MRCs and the transfer of the samples.
The Manager of Publications was asked to put a new procedure in place with regard to the review of non-performers.
Action: Investigations on non-performers will begin just after a book closes, rather than waiting until two months before the spring IHP meeting to start the process.

IHP Recommendations to PCOM (see PCOM Motions and Consensus Statements)

Core Maintenance:
IHP recommends that PCOM urge BCOM not to accept the Science Operator's proposed budget reduction item eliminating the annual core maintenance effort (summer work force, approximately $50,000 annually). The present level of maintenance is the minimum acceptable to the panel, because dehydration damage is irreversible. Shrinkage impacts the scientific utility of the collection for high-resolution stratigraphic studies. Given the LRP's emphasis on the increasing importance of these studies to the Program, this particular cut appears to be an unwise choice.
Migration of Data:
IHP recommends that PCOM urge EXCOM proceed with the intended migration of existing DSDP and ODP data into the JANUS database, capitalizing on the recent large investment in JANUS development. Realizing that completion of the entire migration will be expensive and lengthy, IHP feels that there is a large subset of the data that can be rapidly and inexpensively migrated with the help of experts within the scientific community. Such readily migratable data sets include MST data that have been collected in electronic form by the previous database system. IHP recommends that PCOM urge JOI to issue an RFP for data migration projects.
Publication of Results:
In its motion 96-1-14, EXCOM states the desire to estimate the costs of existing components of ODP and to consider ending some to accommodate new initiatives. Listed first among the targeted components is Publications. Although IHP is sympathetic to the desire on the part of EXCOM, PCOM, and BCOM to pursue the innovations outlined in the LRP, and although the panel accepts the need to reexamine budgets given a tight fiscal environment, nevertheless, IHP wishes to stress that the Program has accepted the fundamental obligation shared by all scientists-to publish. IHP reminds PCOM that the Program has entered into an ethical contract with scientists who have sailed on ODP cruises (and whose publications will appear as much as three years hence) to publish their work. What is more, IHP is appalled at the prospect of ODP merely collecting and archiving data and cores without disseminating results. Furthermore, the panel cannot foresee how a 2.5% increase in the budget for innovations can make the Program more successful without a mechanism for disseminating the results of those innovations. No scientific funding agency would consider allocating research funds merely to collect data. Therefore, IHP maintains that the publication of results must remain an integral part of the Program, else the Program will perish.
Completion of JANUS Project:
IHP urges PCOM/BCOM to find the resources to complete the JANUS project as presently defined.

To Semiannual Report Contents

To Panel Recommendations Contents