Implementation of Publications
In January 1995, the JOIDES/PCOM Publications Subcommittee proposed a
series of recommendations that would retain the basic structure of the
ODP/TAMU publications, yet would reduce both the amount of editing done by
the ODP/TAMU Publications staff and the size of the Initial Reports and
Scientific Results volumes. These recommendations were submitted and
endorsed at the April 1995 PCOM meeting as a way to achieve an approximate
one-third cost reduction in the ODP/TAMU Publications Department budget by
FY98 (see Panel Recommendations, PCOM for more PCOM information).
The plan included the following summarized actions:
- Continue implementation of in-house composition and terminate the
- Reduce hard-copy distribution of the Scientific Prospectus and the
Preliminary Report via electronic distribution on the ODP/TAMU
- Shorten the average length of Initial Reports (IR) volumes to 300 pages (on
average, 100 pages of text and 200 pages of prime data);
- Reduce IR editing by Publications staff and require more author-produced
- Reduce the size of IR barrel sheets and core photos to fit two sets per page;
- Provide high-resolution color images of core photos on IR CD-ROMs;
- Shorten the average length of Scientific Results (SR) volumes to 500 pages;
- Limit editing of SR manuscripts by Publications staff to those in need of
English language assistance;
- Produce entire volume on CD-ROM; lengthen manuscript revision period to
10 weeks;
- Require authors to format SR manuscripts with electronic codes before
final submission.
- Expand volume circulation via increased runs of CD-ROMs for each
volume; reduce print runs of Proceedings volumes by providing JOIDES
panel members (except IHP members) copies on CD-ROM only.
- Distribute volumes via the Internet as soon as technologically possible.
The Publications Department began research and development of CD-ROM
publishing during 1994. The Leg 151 co-chiefs were interested in the possibility
of having a viewable version of their volume on CD, and the production
schedule for that volume (extended six months by the co-chiefs to permit the
publication of additional material) allowed the Publications Department time to
experiment with this new type of product development.
The JOIDES/PCOM Publications Subcommittee proposed electronic publishing
as part of the package of changes for the department. The Publications
Department has determined that industrial scanners, trained personnel, electronic
storage space, and physical space to house equipment are all necessary
requirements for CD-ROM production. To date, the department has published six
IR and two SR CD-ROMs of electronically viewable volumes.
During the summer of 1995, the Publications and Science Operations
Departments drafted a detailed plan for the shipboard and shore-based
implementation of the new IR format. This plan was presented and endorsed at
the September 1995 Information Handling Panel meeting, and supported by
PCOM at the December 1995 meeting. The initial goal of ODP/TAMU was to
initiate the new IR format with Leg 164, one cruise before the time mandated by
IHP. Later, ODP/TAMU decided to postpone initiation of the new format for IR
volumes to at least Leg 166 because the required equipment needs are not within
the current budget. At the December 1995 meeting, PCOM advised JOI that it
gave high priority to purchase scanners and associated storage space for the
production of the Proceedings volumes on CD-ROM. PCOM requested that this
equipment be purchased after further investigation of available options and their
cost-benefit ratio.
Funds have been identified for the purchase of scanners and JOI approval has
been received. ODP/TAMU now plans to initiate the new format for IR volumes
with Leg 168. The Publications and Science Operations Departments have begun
to draft guidelines for the new SR format, which they plan to initiate with
Scientific Results Volume 161. The Publications Department will also revise the
Instructions for Contributors, a guide for contributing authors.

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