| No. 2
JuneNovember 1996
Introduction, by Paul J. Fox, Director of
Science Operations
- Leg Highlights
- Ship's Schedule
- Staffing Information
- Reorganization of the Ocean Drilling Program
- Project Management
- JOIDES Resolution Refit
- Drilling and Coring Technology Development
- Re-Entry Boreholes
- High Speed Transmission of Leg Data
- Entertainment Facilities
- Public Relations
- Implementation of Publications Changes
- WWW Publication Project
- JANUS Phase II (Visual Core Description Project)
- Data Migration
- Split-core MST
- Solaris 2.5 Upgrade
- New Jersey Shelf (Leg 174A)
- Diamond Coring System
- Hammer Drill System
- Fisseler Water Sampler
- Davis/Villinger Temperature Probe
- XCB Shoes
- Gulf Coast Repository Expansion (GCR)
- Paleomagnetism Laboratory
- Computer Laboratory
- Downhole Measurements Laboratory
- Underway Geophysics Laboratory
- Chemistry Laboratory
- Physical Properties Laboratory
- Executive Committee
- Planning Committee
- Technology and Engineering Development Committee
- Downhole Measurements Panel
- Information Handling Panel
- Shipboard Measurements Panel
- ODP Statistics, Legs 100-167
- Public Information Materials
- Publications Policy
- Proposed Distribution Dates of ODP FY97 Volumes
- Meeting and Event Schedule
[ Contents of the Semiannual Report, No. 2, June-November 1996 |
| Program Updates | New Initiatives | Project Summaries | Laboratory Working Groups |
| Panel Recommendations | Appendixes |
| Semiannual Report, No. 1, December-May 1996 |
| Return to Ocean Drilling Program ]