The Ocean Drilling Program at Texas A&M University shall continue to be preeminent in scientific ocean drilling, providing the leadership in science operations management that is necessary to serve the scientific community in its quest to probe this planet's last frontier.
- To achieve this mission, ODP/TAMU pursues the following goals:
- To provide support for state-of-the-art scientific drilling, sampling, data acquisition, and monitoring beneath the seafloor;
- To contribute to the international advisory structure;
- To develop and apply new technologies and operational strategies in support of evolving scientific objectives;
- To create and maintain a data library of leg-related scientific data and publications, and core archives for use by scientists throughout the world;
- To disseminate results from each leg to scientists, governments, industry, and the public worldwide;
- To provide the above services in a collegial and constructive fashion.
[ Contents of the Semiannual Report, No. 2, June-November 1996 |
| Program Updates | New Initiatives | Project Summaries | Laboratory Working Groups |
| Panel Recommendations | Appendixes |
| Semiannual Report, No. 1, December-May 1996 |
| Return to Ocean Drilling Program ]