Although one of the organic geochemists on Leg 167 was interested in conducting the SMP requested comparison between the two instruments, because of the tremendous amount of core recovered and technical difficulties with the GHM, the comparison could not be conducted.
The CHNS analysis system has been reconfigured. However, the last three legs (Legs 168, 169 and 170) have all required sulfur analysis. Therefore, SMP has made the recommendation that the possibility of replacing the GHM with a LECO S analyzer should be investigated. The chemistry LWG will be looking into the cost and support requirements of the LECO system.
Responding to SMP's request, the chemistry laboratory working group has been evaluating possible designs for a uniform HS sampler. To obtain constant volume samples in both soft and indurated lithologies, the LWG believes two different samplers will be necessary: one for soft sediments and another (similar to the SMP-proposed battery operated hand drill with serrated steel tube) for indurated samples. In all the proposed designs investigated to date, the ability to cut the sample once the device has been pushed/drilled into the core seems to be a major stumbling block. ODP/TAMU engineers are being consulted for possible design solutions.
Labview software to operate the coulometer and associated microbalance have been completed by IS and tested by Chemistry MLSs on shore. The software was installed during Leg 169S and was used during Leg 169. According to the MLSs on Leg 169, the program ran well and promises to streamline the measurement process significantly. They have made several suggested minor modifications to further improve the program. IS has already completed these modifications and an upgraded version of the software was sent to the ship for Leg 170. Additional suggestions are expected from the MLS sailing on Leg 170.
[ Contents of the Semiannual Report, No. 2, June-November 1996 |
| Program Updates | New Initiatives | Project Summaries | Laboratory Working Groups |
| Panel Recommendations | Appendixes |
| Semiannual Report, No. 1, December-May 1996 ]