Underway Geophysics Laboratory

6-channel seismic streamers

Tests during Leg 168 successfully collected a small amount of analog data on the chart recorders. However, the first streamer failed (signal lost, flaky depth readout) and the crew were unable to get the digital acquisition system to acquire, display, and archive the seismic data. The problem streamer was returned to the manufacturer for repair. The second streamer was successfully tested on Leg 169. Additional testing needs to take place to determine optimum towing depth to ensure best quality data.

Innovative Transducers, the streamer manufacturer, decided to provide a new streamer to replace the one which failed on Leg 168. Delivery is expected in late November 1996 after which it will be prepared (weight, electrical testing) prior to deployment on Leg 172/173.

Chart recorders

Four new EPC chart recorders, to replace 3.5 and 12 kHz PDR's and two analog seismics, arrived at ODP/TAMU in October. Initial testing is being conducted on all four. A statement of work for software control and annotation (via navigation acquisition system software-Winfrog) is being prepared. Deployment date will depend on the progress of software development.

Winfrog real-time navigation software upgrade

The latest version of Winfrog was installed by Pelagos during the San Diego portcall. Pelagos personnel met with U/W technicians to show them how their software is used by ODP, and to discuss software features, operations, and potential future changes.

Solaris 2.x upgrade

(See Project Summaries, Solaris 2.5 Upgrade.)

Leg 174A (New Jersey Shelf) dGPS

Omnistar dGPS service will need to be reactivated for this leg. 

[ Contents of the Semiannual Report, No. 2, June-November 1996 |
Program Updates | New Initiatives | Project Summaries | Laboratory Working Groups |
Panel Recommendations | Appendixes |
Semiannual Report, No. 1, December-May 1996 ]