The Ocean Drilling Program Museum Exhibit was transported from Edinburgh, Scotland to a permanent site at the Senckenberg Scientific Research Institute and Natural Museum in Frankfurt, Germany. Senckenberg is the site where Dr. Alfred Lothar Wegener made his initial presentation on continental drift in the 1920s, laying the foundation for the first serious study of what would evolve into the theory of plate tectonics.
Several public relations activities during port calls in San Francisco, Victoria, and San Diego, a product of teamwork between JOI, ODP/TAMU, and onsite hosts, helped enhance the public visibility of the Program with ship tours, local media coverage in each city and special events for government officials and the scientific community.
The Discovery Channel sent a film crew to San Francisco to interview David Falvey and Jeff Fox for a documentary program to be aired in December 1996.
A new 30-minute video produced by the Public Information Office, titled "A Planet In Motion," will soon be completed. This video replaces an out-of-date one and provides an introduction to ODP and the JOIDES Resolution. It will be distributed to the ODP directorates of each partner.
[ Contents of the Semiannual Report, No. 2, June-November 1996 |
| Program Updates | New Initiatives | Project Summaries | Laboratory Working Groups |
| Panel Recommendations | Appendixes |
| Semiannual Report, No. 1, December-May 1996 ]