Downhole Measurements Panel (DMP)

March 1996

DMP motions and consensus statements requiring action by ODP/TAMU

Consensus 2-96:

The Fisseler water sampler should be further tested, in mechanically different sediments, to permit evaluation of whether or not additional development efforts are warranted. Comparison of this tool’s performance to adjacent WSTP sampling is recommended.

Action: The FWS was not run on Leg 169 as planned as, in general, formation temperatures were too high. At the one site where it could have been run, time constraints dictated otherwise.

September 1996

DMP consensus:

DMP is encouraged by the initial results of BRG trials of satellite ship-to-shore communications: both logging operations and the shipboard usefulness of logs were enhanced.

Action: See High Speed Transmission of Log Data.

DMP applauds the BRG initiatives in on-line browsing and access to logging data. Coupled with the current program of rapidly adding older data to the database, this initiative is a significant step toward the long-standing DMP goal of making ODP downhole measurements a truly effective legacy.

Action: See BRG Homepage:

The performance of the Davis-Villinger temperature tool in abundant Leg 168 runs satisfies the third-party tool requirement for a successful ODP test. DMP commends the developers and encourages them to initiate steps to apply for certified status for this tool.

Action: The tool is still on the ship (as of Leg 170) and undergoing thorough evaluation by the technical staff. This includes documenting and evaluating all aspects of its operation, maintenance and the quality of data which it produces. ODP will work together with the third party tool proponent to provide the necessary documentation for it to attain certified tool status (as per the third-party tool guidelines). This process will require significant amount of ODP input during 1997. To be accepted as an “ODP tool,” a tool has to progress from certified status to mature, and then finally functional tool status.

[ Contents of the Semiannual Report, No. 2, June-November 1996 |
Program Updates | New Initiatives | Project Summaries | Laboratory Working Groups |
Panel Recommendations | Appendixes |
Semiannual Report, No. 1, December-May 1996 ]