Fisseler Water Sampler

Following its deployment on Leg 164, some changes were made to the electrical system of the FWS. These changes required some of the internal plumbing to be re-routed. The internal plumbing system was pressure tested after all new tubing and fittings were installed. The complete tool was also tested under simulated hydrostatic pressure at the TFAC. The tool functioned properly during test and was shipped to Leg 169 for further field testing. However, the FWS was not run on Leg 169 as planned as, in general, formation temperatures were too high. At the one site where it could have been run, time constraints dictated otherwise.

[ Contents of the Semiannual Report, No. 2, June-November 1996 |
Program Updates | New Initiatives | Project Summaries | Laboratory Working Groups |
Panel Recommendations | Appendixes |
Semiannual Report, No. 1, December-May 1996 ]