(Visual Core Description Project)

At a meeting of the JANUS Steering Committee in March, Tracor announced that, under the current contract, they would not be able to complete development of the User Group 4b/5 applications. Because of this, the members of User Group 4b/5 met to discuss alternative solutions. An existing software product was evaluated by members of the various JANUS working groups, the scientific community, Tracor, and the publications department at ODP/TAMU. The evaluators agreed that, with some modifications, this application would generally suit the Group 4b lithologic core description requirements, the JANUS database interface, and the publication of the Initial Reports volumes. The task of developing visual core description is now referred to as JANUS Phase II.

The next step was to produce a statement of work for the project. The statement of work was completed and contractual issues are currently being settled between the parties. This statement of work identifies the modifications that must be accomplished by the software developer in order to use the application as a sediment description tool.

In addition, during FY97, it is ODP/TAMU's goal to determine the user requirements for the application. This will require working with members of User Groups 4b/5, the development of prototypes, and a complete definition of the software development environment.

[ Contents of the Semiannual Report, No. 2, June-November 1996 |
Program Updates | New Initiatives | Project Summaries | Laboratory Working Groups |
Panel Recommendations | Appendixes |
Semiannual Report, No. 1, December-May 1996 ]