Safety and Site Survey Checklist
Proposal Information
__ New or revised proposal
__ Title of proposal
__ Date the form is being submitted
__ Site-specific objectives (must include general objectives in proposal)
__ List of previous drilling in area
General Regional Information
__ Leg number, if assigned
__ Site name (e.g., BON-9A)
__ Latitude and longitude of site in degrees and minutes
__ Priority of site (e.g., primary or alternate)
__ General location or geomorphic province of site
__ Jurisdiction
__ Distance to land (nmi)
__ Water depth (m)
__ Probable thickness of sediments (m)
__ List of possible hazards (ice, hydrocarbons, dumpsites, cables, etc.)
__ Indication of a weather window? If so, what is it?
__ Proposed penetration (m)
__ General lithologies
__ Coring tools
__ Logging plan (check as many as apply)
__ Estimated number of days of drilling/coring and logging
__ Total days on site
Detailed Coring Plan
__ Coring plan (circle as many as apply)
__ Sediment penetration (m)
__ Basement penetration (m)
Detailed Logging Plan
__ Answer conical side-entry sub question.
__ Answer high-temperature question.
__ Answer whether there are any other special requirements for logging. Describe if answer is yes.
__ List scientific objectives for different logging measurement types (see page 3 of Site Description Forms) and relevance logging tool has to meeting scientific objectives.
Detailed Site Survey Information
__ Fill in the data type boxes 1–17 on page 2 of site survey form (seismic reflection, seismic velocity, seismic grid, refraction, 3.5-kHz, swath bathymetry, side-scan sonar, photography or video, heat flow, magnetics, gravity, sediment cores, rock sampling, water current data, ice conditions, OBS microseismicity, navigation, other (List all that apply).
__ List DSDP/ODP Holes
__ List piston cores
Pollution and Safety Hazard Summary
__ List all hydrocarbon occurrences greater than background levels based on previous DSDP/ODP drilling.
__ List all commercial drilling that produced or yielded hydrocarbon shows.
__ List indications of gas hydrates.
__ List any reasons to expect hydrocarbon accumulations at this site.
__ List any special precautions during drilling.
__ List abandonment procedures.
__ List other natural or man-made hazards.
__ Summarize the major risks.