H2S detection equipment, training materials, and warning signs must be kept on board the JOIDES Resolution and in an operational state for every leg, regardless if H2S is expected or not. Responsible positions are defined in the following sections.
All ship personnel are tested for perforated eardrums as part of their medical exam. Individuals with perforated eardrums will be permitted to work with or in proximity to H2S cores provided they sign an indemnity wavier (see "Appendix F") and do not work in any areas where a BA is required because of H2S.
The laboratory officer ensures that all H2S safety equipment that has been returned to the vendor for repair is fixed and sent back to the ship and that an adequate supply of calibration gases is on board before the ship leaves port.
H2S safety training courses are held for all shipboard personnel, and records are kept for all who attend. The laboratory officer will conduct this training for the science party as part of their specific hazard training. The original record of training is sent to ODP and filed with the human resources office. A copy is kept on board, filed in the laboratory officer's office. The offshore installation manager will conduct this training for the ship staff.
H2S safety training covers
The offshore installation manager conducts blowout drills until supervisors are satisfied that rig floor personnel can install the drill pipe safety valve while using breathing equipment.