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About ODP

JOIDES Resolution

Drilling Operations

Bridge deck/Level 6

Fo'c'sle deck/Level 5

Main deck/Level 4

Upper 'tween deck/Level 3

Lower 'tween deck/Level 2

Hold deck/Level 1

Lab house top/Level 7

Poop deck/Fantail

Fo'c'sle deck/Forward

Shipboard Laboratories

JOIDES Resolution Tour: Upper 'Tween Deck/Level 3

Cross-section of the JOIDES Resolution

The electronics shop is operated by Electronics Technicians who are responsible for maintaining and repairing all shipboard electrical equipment.

The darkroom has facilities for black-and white developing and printing and for E-6 Ektachrome color film developing using a Wing Lynch Film Processor. There is an MP4 copystand for seismic profile and document copying.

A specially designed table in the Core Lab is used for photographing the archive halves of each core (color and b&w). This table is equipped with a 4X5" overhead-mounted view camera.

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Modified on Friday, 27-Apr-2001 16:17:28 CDT.