Leg 190 Weeks 4-5

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Johanna Suhonen (Marine Laboratory Specialist: X-ray Lab; Finland), Cyndi Prince (Marine Laboratory Specialist: Physical Properties Lab; Canada), Tim Bronk (Marine Laboratory Specialist: Chemistry Lab; US), and Brad Julson (Lab Officer; US) archive a core that has just been recovered and taken out of the core barrel on the rig floor (background). Keir Becker (Downhole Tools Specialist; US) and Roy Davis (Photographer; US) transfer from the JOIDES Resolution to the Nippon Maru.
The VIT (deep-sea television and sonar) is lowered into the moonpool (the hole in the middle of the ship that we use to drill through). The VIT is used to locate the re-entry cone so that the bit can re-enter a hole. The VIT is lowered along the drill pipe. Watching the sunset during a break between analyzing cores: Moyra Wilson (Sedimentologist; UK), Greg Moore (Co-chief scientist; US), Sabine Hunze (Physical Properties; Germany), Harold Tobin (Structural Geologist; US), and Gary Ritchie (3rd mate; UK).

Scientists work 12-hour shifts, 7 days a week for the entire 2-month cruise. The "cross-over" between two shifts is a busy time in the lab as it is only two times a day that the two shifts can discuss what they saw during the previous shift and coordinate their work. Scientists take a field trip to the "Lower Sack," which is the room where all the drill bits are stored: Alison Dean (Paleomagnetist; US), Joann Steuer (Sedimentologist; US), Satoshi Hirano (Sedimentologist; Japan), and Babette Boeckel; Germany).

Scientists take a field trip to the casing hold, which is a very large space on the ship in which we store extra drill pipe (lower left) as well as the casing which was used to stabilize the shallow unconsolidated sands at Site 1174. The midnight-to-noon shift takes a coffee break outside, in front of the bridge. This is one of the few times that scientists get a chance to relax outside, away from the 12-hour work shift in the lab. Left to Right: Mike Underwood (Sedimentologist; US), Kohtaro Ujiie (Structural Geologist; Japan), Demian Saffer (Physical Properties; US), Alison Dean (Paleomagnetist; US), Adam Klaus (sitting w/white shirt: Staff Scientist; US), Pierre Henry (standing: Physical Properties; France), and David Smith (sitting w/blue shirt: Microbiologist; US).

Week 6