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Life Onboard JOIDES Resolution

Photographs from ODP Leg 190

Welcome to the unofficial web site of ODP Leg 190 (Nankai Trough south of Shikoku, Japan). This site, brought to you via satellite uplink, will be updated at irregular intervals. These web pages are intended to give you an idea of life onboard the drillship as it unfolds over the course of a leg.

Weeks 1-3: lots of faces and fish (posted 12 June 2000)
Weeks 4-5: more faces, drill bits, and a transfer at sea (posted 20 June 2000)
Week 6: more faces, eating, and the Philippine plate/Eurasian plate decollement (posted 27 June 2000)
Week 7: more faces and eating (posted 5 July 2000)
Week 8: Canada Day, Independence Day, Bastille Day, and typhoon Kirogi (posted 14 July 2000)
Albuquerque Journal article (PDF format; 17 September 2000)

Leg 190 ended in Yokohama on the 16th of July 2000.

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Modified on Wednesday, 13-Aug-2003 18:46:51 CDT.