IODP planning for post-2003 research Sites related to ODP Merchandise with ODP logo Free brochures, slides, and videos Photos showing daily activites on the ship JOIDES Reolution drill ship News releases, stories, and lectures Mirror sites ODP/TAMU staff Cruise information Science and curation services Publication services and products Drilling services and tools Online Janus database Search the ODP/TAMU web site ODP's main web site ODP/TAMU Science Operator Home

Legs 200 to present

Leg 199 (Oct-Dec 2001)

Leg 198 (Aug-Oct 2001)

Leg 197 (Jul-Aug 2001)

Leg 196 (May-Jul 2001)

Leg 195 (Mar-May 2001)

Leg 194 (Jan-Mar 2001)

Leg 193 (Nov 2000-Jan 2001)

Leg 192 (Sep-Nov 2000)

Leg 191 (Jul-Sep 2000)

Leg 190 (May-Jul 2000)

Legs 176-189

Life Onboard JOIDES Resolution

The reports and photos contained in this section are provided by shipboard personnel on a voluntary basis. As a result, they are received at irregular intervals via satellite. We hope that they will give you a better understanding of the research activities and lifestyle of the scientists during an ODP leg.

Leg 198: sunrise on Shatsky Rise.

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Modified on Thursday, 26-Sep-2002 09:20:23 CDT.