Methane Isotopes

The 251 13C analyses of CH4 samples collected on Leg 164 have a mean of -68.4 ± 7.0 and range between -101.3 and -61.1 (Table 1). The stratigraphic profiles of 13CCH4 values are indistinguishable between Sites 994, 995, and 997 (Fig. 2). At these three sites, 13CCH4  values become more positive with depth from a minimum of -101.3 (21.45 mbsf, Site 995) near the top of the methane-bearing zone to a stable value of -64.0 ± 0.9 (n = 65) between 300 mbsf and the bottom of the holes (at 700-750 mbsf). The rate of change in the CH4 profile is highest near the top of the CH4-bearing zone.

Forty-one analyses of D of the selected CH4 samples have a mean value of -187 ± 20 (Table 5). No stratigraphic variation in the D values is discernible. No variation in CH4 isotopic values occurs near the base of gas hydrate-bearing sediments (~450 mbsf) at these sites (Paull, Matsumoto, Wallace, et al., 1996).

Five gas samples were measured that came directly from decomposing gas hydrate (Table 1). The isotopic composition of this CH4 is indistinguishable from nearby gas samples collected by other methods. The isotopic composition of the CH4 samples obtained from the PCS is separately considered in a companion paper (Wallace et al., Chap. 10, this volume).

The two 13CCH4 measurements available from Sites 991 (40.6 mbsf) and 993 (27.5 mbsf; Fig. 2) plot near the trend outlined by gases from Sites 994, 995, and 997. In contrast, the 21 measurements of 13CCH4 from Site 996 range from -72.1 to -62.5 with a mean value of -68.38 ± 1.9. These samples do not follow the same depth trend seen at Sites 994, 995, and 997 (Fig. 2), but rather are similar to the values that occur below 200 mbsf at Sites 994, 995, and 997.

Ethane Isotopes

The 12 measurements of 13CC2H6 values (Table 3) range from -69.4 at 216 mbsf to -63.3 at 727 mbsf, with a mean value of -65.7 ± 2. The values change linearly (R = 0.95) with depth.

13C of CO2 Gas and DIC

At Sites 994, 995, and 997 the 13C values of gaseous CO2 samples ranged from -20.6 to +1.24, whereas the 13CDIC values ranged from -37.7 to +10.8. The 13C values of the CO2 gas and the DIC samples are generally parallel but offset by ~12.5 (Fig. 2).

The stratigraphic variations in carbon isotopic composition of both the CO2 in the gas that evolved from the cores (and the parallel values of the measured DIC) reveal distinct depth zones (Fig. 3). DIC 13C values in the upper 40 mbsf show a sharply defined minimum at ~20 mbsf (Fig. 2, Fig. 3). Above this level there is an approximately linear change in the DIC 13C values that roughly corresponds with a mixing line between overlying seawater DIC (13C = ~0) and the very 13C depleted values at 20 mbsf (e.g., 37.7 at Site 995). Below ~20 mbsf the DIC 13C values become more positive. The increase over the interval between 20 and 40 mbsf is the most rapid and is almost symmetrical with the decrease occurring over the first 20 mbsf (Fig. 3). Below 20 mbsf the 13C values increase slowly before reaching a maximum between 120 and 150 mbsf. Below 150 mbsf, the 13C trend of both the DIC and CO2 gas reverses and linearly (or perhaps asymptotically) converges to within ~3 of the organic carbon values at the base of the holes.

Site 996 has isotopically distinct CO2 gas and DIC profiles from those at the deeper sites. The most negative value of 13CDIC (-45.0) occurred at a shallow depth of 3.72 mbsf at Site 996 (Fig. 3). The mean of the eight samples with sub-bottom depths less than 10 mbsf is -38.65 ± 4.5, whereas the samples below 28 mbsf have a mean value of 5.5 ± 6.7. The isotopic composition of the carbonates from Site 996 is considered in Naehr et al. (Chap. 29, this volume).

Organic Carbon Characteristics

Values of 13C of bulk organic carbon at Sites 994, 995, and 997 range between -19.7 and -25.4, with a mean value of -22.0 ± 1.4 (Fig. 2; Table 6). 15N values of the same sedimentary organic matter samples range from 3.2 to 6.8 with a mean value of 5.6 ± 0.7 (Table 6). The mean value for the C:N value in all these samples is 8 ± 2 (Table 6). Although the values in the upper hundred meters show more scatter, no significant stratigraphic trends are revealed by these data.