

F1. Bathymetric map and main morphologic elements of the continental shelf off Anvers Island.

F2. Location of Sites 1100, 1102, and 1103 on MCS profile I95-152 across the continental shelf.

F3. Location of Site 1100 on deep-tow boomer profile showing the seaward frontal slope of a young till body.

F4. 3.5-kHz PDR record, Site 1100, 17 March 1998.

F5. Vertical profile of massive, matrix-supported diamict from Hole 1100C.

F6. Simplified lithostratigraphy showing lithofacies at Site 1103.

F7. Detailed graphic logs showing each section of recovery for Cores 178-1103A-27R through 29R and 31R through 38R.

F8. Massive diamict, massive diamict facies, chaotically stratified diamict, and chaotically bedded diamict.

F9. Distribution plots of clast long-axis dip angles for diamictites from Site 1103.

F10. Chaotically bedded sandstone and thin sandstone bed.

F11. Massive mudstone facies and weakly laminated mudstone facies.

F12. Occurrence of diatoms, radiolarians, and planktonic foraminifers at Site 1103.

F13. AF demagnetization of discrete Sample 178-1103A-27R-1, 13-15 cm.

F14. AF demagnetization of discrete Sample 178-1103A-27R-1, 15-17 cm, following LTD.

F15. Inclination vs. depth and intensity of magnetization vs. depth after AF demagnetization at 30 mT for Hole 1100C.

F16. AF demagnetization of discrete Sample 178-1103A-31R-3,
3-5 cm.

F17. Inclination vs. depth after AF demagnetization at 30 mT for the shelf transect sites.

F18. Inclination vs. depth and intensity of remanence vs. depth after AF demagnetization.

F19. Raw NGR, GRAPE density, magnetic susceptibility, and P-wave velocity data for Site 1100.
