Figures F1-F10
Figures F11-20
Figures F21-F30
Figures F31-F40
Figures F41-F50
Figures F51-F60
Figures F61-F70
Figures F71-F80
Figures F81-F90
Figures F91-F96
Tables T1-T21

F1. Satellite-derived free-air gravity map of the Kerguelen Plateau.

F2. Location of Site 1137 and site-survey data.

F3. Rig Seismic RS179/601 multichannel seismic profile across Site 1137.

F4. Composite stratigraphic section.

F5. Composite stratigraphic section for Hole 1137A from 0 to ~225 mbsf.

F6. Composite stratigraphic section for Hole 1137A from ~275 to 370.16 mbsf.

F7. Glauconite-bearing sandy packstone near and at the top of Unit III.

F8. Normally graded bed grading and cross-stratification in basement Unit 5.

F9. Examples of conglomerates in basement Unit 6.

F10. Crystal-vitric tuff from basement Unit 9.

Figures F1-F10
Figures F11-20
Figures F21-F30
Figures F31-F40
Figures F41-F50
Figures F51-F60
Figures F61-F70
Figures F71-F80
Figures F81-F90
Figures F91-F96
Tables T1-T21