Figures F1-F20
Figures F21-F40
Figures F41-F60
Figures F61-F80
Figures F81-F100
Tables T1-T19

F41. Close-up photograph of interval 183-1139A-71R-3, 56-68 cm.

F42. Close-up photograph of interval 183-1139A-71R-3, 118-128 cm.

F43. Close-up photograph of interval 183-1139A-72R-1, 15-25 cm.

F44. Interpretative summary diagram.

F45. Units 2 and 4 photomicrographs.

F46. Photomicrograph of sanidine phenocrysts in a perlitic glassy groundmass in Unit 3.

F47. Photomicrographs of sanidine and altered mafic phenotrysts.

F48. Photomicrographs representing two different views of a sanidine-rich sandy layer.

F49. Photomicrograph of a plagioclase microphenocryst.

F50. Photomicrographs showing sanidine xenocrysts.

F51. Photomicrograph of a partially altered titanomagnetite.

F52. Photomicrographs depicting an apparent alkali feldspar phenocryst.

F53. Photomicrograph of a sanidine phenocryst.

F54. Sanidine phenocrysts color close-ups.

F55. Photomicrographs of altered mafic phenocrysts.

F56. Photomicrograph highlighting the extreme veining from Unit 19.

F57. Photomicrographs demonstrating the trachytic texture still evident from Unit 18.

F58. Photomicrographs of the recrystallized mesostasis from Unit 18.

F59. Photomicrograph of the recrystallized groundmass from Unit 19.

F60. Igneous and mafic rock compositions.

Figures F1-F20
Figures F21-F40
Figures F41-F60
Figures F61-F80
Figures F81-F100
Tables T1-T19