Figure F10. A.
Parts of seismic sections MAR13, MAR20, MAR15, and MAR07 with locations of all
Leg 194 sites. Uninterpreted sections with site locations are plotted in the
upper half of the figure. Note that Line MAR07 (at left) has different
horizontal scale than other lines. The position of Site 1199 was projected into
the seismic section parallel to the northwestern SMP margin. Superimposed on the
seismic sections in the lower half of the figure are the seismic stratigraphic
interpretation and correlation, as well as shipboard core data converted from
mbsf to two-way traveltime. Seismic Megasequences A-D and basement are color
coded and match colors of stratigraphic correlation below (Fig. F10B). Roman
numbers in left columns are lithologic boundaries. They do not correlate from
site to site, as unit definition was based upon shipboard sedimentologic
description of the drilled cores. Right columns indicate epoch boundaries
defined with the shipboard age models. Numbers on the seismic section next to
the sites indicate the age of seismic sequence boundaries, derived from
time-depth conversion and shipboard age models. MS = megasequence. (This figure
is also available in an oversized
format.) B. Stratigraphic correlation summary for
Leg 194. The upper part of the figure shows a geological transect (sketch)
representing all sites of Leg 194, from the Northern Marion Platform to the
Southern Marion Platform and its talus. In the middle portion of the figure,
seven data panels are presented for each site. In the bottom portion of the
figure, an explanation is provided describing the data and symbols used. Data
sets include depth downhole in mbsf, core number, core recovery, lithologic
units with age derived from biostratigraphy and magnetostratigraphy, a graphic
display of the lithologies, mineralogy based upon XRD analysis, natural gamma
ray profiles from downhole logging and core-based physical properties
measurements, and the megasequences defined from seismic reflection data. MS =
megasequence, wd = water depth. (This figure is also available in an oversized