Figures F1-F20
Figures F21-F29   
Tables T1-T14

F1. Sites 1236 and 1237 and oceanographic features off Peru and northern Chile.

F2. High-resolution swath bathymetry at Site 1236.

F3. Seismic profile at Site 1236.

F4. Tectonic backtrack of Site 1236.

F5. Modern ocean properties at backtrack locations of Site 1236.

F6. Meridional cross section of water masses.

F7. MST-MS vs. mcd.

F8. Reflectance (a*) vs. mcd.

F9. Spliced records of a*, GRA density, and MST-MS.

F10. A comparison of the mbsf and mcd scales.

F11. Lithostratigraphic summary.

F12. Moisture and density.

F13. Major components, carbonate, and magnetic susceptibility.

F14. Uppermost nonpelagic grain-rich layer in Unit I.

F15. Volcanic ash layer.

F16. Magnetic susceptibility, GRA bulk density, and L*.

F17. Color measurements plotted in the a*-b* color plane.

F18. Fining-upward sequence of unlithified rudstone to wackestone.

F19. Skeletal grain-rich rudstone.

F20. Unlithified packstones with authigenic glauconite.

Figures F1-F20  
Figures F21-F29   
Tables T1-T14