Figures F1-F11
Tables T1-T2
Appendix Tables AT1-AT4

F1. Map of Demerara Rise.

F2. Major components of sediments.

F3. Proportion of major components.

F4. Correlation of two calculation methods for terrigenous detritus.

F5. Comparison of WF and CIA values.

F6. Scatter plots for heavy minerals.

F7. Average REE distribution patterns.

F8. Scatter plots of carbonate chemistry.

F9. Mean values of element/Al ratios.

F10. Degree of pyritization of sediments.

F11. Mean values of TM/Al ratios.

Tables T1-T2

T1. Calculations of proportions of major components.

T2. Ce anomaly for lithologic Units I–V.

Appendix Tables AT1-AT4

AT1. Precision and accuracy of analyzed elements.

AT2. Major element concentrations.

AT3. Trace element concentrations.

AT4. REE concentrations.

Figures F1-F11
Tables T1-T2
Appendix Tables AT1-AT4