Figures F1-F20
Table T1-T3
F1. Walvis Ridge, the South African margin, and site locations.
F2. Walvis Ridge, Meteor M49/1 track lines, and site locations.
F3. Leg 208 drill site locations.
F4. Multichannel seismic line GeoB 01-030 and site locations.
F5. Cenozoic deep-sea stable isotope record.
F6. Cenozoic pCO2.
F7. Benthic foraminiferal isotope records across the P/E boundary.
F8. Box model simulated response of oceanic carbon isotopes and lysocline depth.
F9. DSDP Site 527 P/E planktonic foraminiferal stable isotope records.
F10. Composite Cibicidoides spp. stable carbon and oxygen isotope records.
F11. Latest Cretaceous through earliest Paleogene 13C records, DSDP Site 528.
F12. Meteor track chart showing the location of Site 1262.
F13. Line GeoB 01-035 and Site 1262 plotted with age estimates of prominent reflectors.
F14. Site 1262 MS, NGR, carbonate content, and L*.
F15. Site 1262 core recovery, age-depth model, and LSR and MAR.
F16. Meteor track chart showing the location of Sites 1263 and 1264.
F17. Line GeoB 01-046 and Sites 1263 and 1264 plotted with age estimates of prominent reflectors.
F18. Parameters used to define Site 1263 lithostratigraphic units.
F19. Site 1263 core recovery, age-depth model, and LSR and MAR.
F20. Line GeoB 01-046 and Sites 1263 and 1264 plotted with age estimates of prominent reflectors.
Figures F1-F20
Table T1-T3