Figures F1-F20
Figures F21-F40
Figures F41- F59
Table T1

F1. Bathymetry and geology, 14°–16°N.

F2. Leg 209 drill site locations.

F3. Calculation of Mantle Bouger Anomaly.

F4. Geochemical data for MAR samples.

F5. Seismic refraction experiments.

F6. Dynamic mantle flow models.

F7. Lithology summary, Hole 1268A.

F8. Seismic velocity of the mantle.

F9. Completely serpentinized harzburgite.

F10. Talc alteration.

F11. SiO2 and Mg# in primitive glasses.

F12. Orthopyroxene pseudomorphed by talc, pyrite, and serpentine.

F13. Anhydrous major elements in hydrothermally altered peridotite.

F14. Major elements in altered gabbronorite, Site 1268.

F15. Pegmatitic textured gabbro.

F16. Magnetic inclination as a function of rotation around a horizontal axis.

F17. Magnetic inclination as a function of rotation around azimuth 020°.

F18. Rotation of remanent vector around axes.

F19. Highly vesicular basalt, Site 1269.

F20. Peridotite mylonite.

Figures F1-F20
Figures F21-F40
Figures F41- F59
Table T1