Figures F1-F20
Figures F21-F40
Figures F41- F59
Table T1

F21. Lithology summary, Site 1270.

F22. Deformation of oxide gabbronorites.

F23. Major element compositions of gabbronorite, Hole 1270B.

F24. Crystal-plastic deformation and magnetite in gabbronorites, Hole 1270B.

F25. Glasses, 14°–16°N.

F26. Zircon crystals.

F27. Major elements in altered peridotites, Site 1270.

F28. Possible original orientation of crystal-plastic foliation in gabbros and peridotites, Site 1270.

F29. Magnetic inclination as a function of rotation around a horizontal axis.

F30. Magnetic inclination as a function of rotation around an axis of 020° azimuth.

F31. Lithology summary, Site 1271.

F32. Major elements in altered peridotite, Site 1271.

F33. Mg# vs. Ni in peridotite, Site 1271.

F34. Chromitite pod in dunite.

F35. Brown amphibole gabbro.

F36. Evolution of brown amphibole gabbro.

F37. Lithology summary, Site 1272.

F38. Alternating bands of dunite and harzburgite.

F39. Diabase and miarolitic gabbro vs. MAR basalt glasses, Hole 1272A.

F40. Major elements in altered peridotite, Site 1272.

Figures F1-F20
Figures F21-F40
Figures F41- F59
Table T1