Figures F1-F20
Figures F21-F40
Figures F41- F59
Table T1

F41. Semiplastic fault gouges.

F42. Lithology summary, Site 1274.

F43. Clinopyroxene-spinel symplectite.

F44. Major elements in altered peridotite, Site 1274.

F45. CO2 vs. CaO in metaperidotites.

F46. Sr and Ba vs. CO2 in metaperidotites.

F47. Hydrothermal alteration vs. density and magnetic susceptibility.

F48. Mud interval from fault gouge zone.

F49. Core recovered in first three cores from all holes.

F50. Lithology summary, Site 1275.

F51. Troctolite, interpreted as impregnated peridotite.

F52. Experimental vs. pressures for olivine + plagioclase + pyroxene + melt.

F53. P-T of possible olivine + pyroxene + plagioclase saturation in MORB glass.

F54. Mg# vs. Ni in olivine in troctolites, Site 1275.

F55. Gabbro grain sizes.

F56. Gabbro with curviplanar and crenulate contacts.

F57. Mg# in gabbros from Leg 209 sites, Site 923, and Hole 735B.

F58. Mg# vs. Zr in gabbroic rocks.

F59. Stable remanent inclinations for archive halves, Hole 1275D.

Table T1

T1. Leg 209 coring summary.

Figures F1-F20
Figures F21-F40
Figures F41- F59
Table T1