Publishing Instructions for ODP Scientists
Table and Range Chart Formatting Specifications
These guidelines outline requirements for volumes through Leg 169S. For guidelines for volumes
Leg 169 and beyond, or for specific questions, contact the ODP publications coordinator:, (979) 845-1909.
Submission requirements
Table formats
- Each table must be saved in a separate file. Include caption and footnotes in the table file.
- All tabular material cited in the Scientific Results volume will be prepared in a PDF and/or
ASCII format. Authors may select one of the following options for each table cited in a manuscript.
1. Table only in the electronic volume (PDF).
2. Table only in ASCII format.
3. Table both in the electronic volume (PDF) and in ASCII format.
4. 10-line sample of table in the electronic volume (PDF) and full table in ASCII format.
- Supplementary tabular material that is not specifically cited in the manuscript may also be
included on the volume CD-ROM (on a space available basis) and linked to the version of the
volume on the WWW. It is the author's responsibility to prepare these files and any necessary
captions, column heads, footnotes, or readme materials. Contact the ODP publications
coordinator,, (979) 845-1909, to check on space availability.
- Tables should be prepared in WordPerfect (tab delimited) or Excel. Tables prepared in
graphics programs (e.g., Illustrator) will not be accepted because the contents of the tables are
not searchable.
- The publication format for all tables must be identified at time of initial submission.
Table numbers and captions
- Each table needs a number and a brief caption. For example, "Table 8. Pore-fluid chemical
data, Site 1041.") Longer explanations should be placed in a table footnote. For example,
"Notes: ND = not determined.* = determined by spectroscopy."
- Include table numbers on the electronic version and printouts of all tables. For multiple-page
tables, mark the table number and part on every page (e.g., "Table 1 continued [part 2 of 4]").
- Prepare each table on a separate page, or pages.
Symbols and abbreviations
- All symbols and abbreviations must be defined in the table note.
Core, section, interval identifiers
- In a table with data from the same hole, the leg and hole number may be omitted after the
first line. If the hole numbers differ but the leg number remains the same, the latter may be
omitted after the first line. See recent Initial Reports volumes for examples.
Range charts
- Range charts in which species abundances appear as letters or numbers are considered
tables. Follow guidelines for table formatting.
- Charts that contain symbols or bars of various widths to denote abundances or other
characteristics are considered figures.
- See also Paleontological Descriptions and Range Charts in the Terminology Guidelines
Scientific Results Manuscript Preparation Guidelines
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Modified on Friday, 16-Aug-2024 16:25:36 CDT.