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Leg 177 General Information

Leg 177 Data

AGE-DEPTH DATA (password-protected)

Whenever possible, I provide data files as tab-delimited ascii files (*.txt) rather then in spreadsheet format to avoid problems with platform, software, or version incompatibilities. Save the text files to disk and open them from within your spreadsheet program. I confirmed that these files arrange columns and rows correctly. Explanatory text files are ascii files with line breaks for easy viewing on screen and printing. Text and data are in the same file if appropriate.

  • All sites, all intervals, pmag & diatoms, Rainer 5/09/00:
  • 1089, MIS 1-16, planc. O18 pointers to SPECMAP, Dave 5/17/00:
  • 1094, MIS 1-8, planc. O18 pointers to SPECMAP, Dave 5/17/00:
  • 1089, 1091, 1093, 1094, all intervals, rads, Kaz 5/17/00:
  • 1088, all intervals, and 1090, two intervals (Eoc./Oligo and Mio./Plio.), Maria 6/27/00 and 7/05/00:
  • Peter Blum's Homepage

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    Modified on Monday, 10-Sep-2001 11:29:57 CDT.