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Undergraduate Student Trainee Program

No applications are being accepted for the Ocean Drilling Program, which ended on 30 September 2003. The first cruise of the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program is expected to start in June 2004.

The ODP Undergraduate Trainee Program provides students with a unique and exciting educational opportunity to participate in a scientific expedition aboard the research vessel JOIDES Resolution. The program exposes students to the wide variety of scientific and technical activities that occur on the ship, and trains them through hands-on experience. The outcome of this experience will be scientific growth and career development. While on board trainees will work under the guidance of a member of the science party who will act as mentor.


Applications for undergraduate trainee positions will be received from all JOIDES partner countries' offices. Applications should be filled out completely and must be accompanied by a letter from the applicant explaining why they are interested in the Program and what benefits they hope to derive from participation, and a letter of recommendation from their primary academic adviser. Applications should be submitted through the appropriate partner's ODP office, which must endorse the application. Each ODP partner may submit more than one applicant per Leg for consideration to sail in an available position.

    U.S. Applicants should submit their applications via JOI to:
    Ms. Andrea Johnson
    Joint Oceanographic Institutions
    1755 Massachusetts Avenue N.W., Suite 800
    Washington, D.C. 20036

In order to ensure adequate time for undergraduate trainees to prepare for scheduled participation on a Leg, all applications must be received at ODP TAMU no later than 6 months prior to the beginning of the requested Leg. In cases when a last minute vacancy occurs, an applicant will be notified as soon as possible to allow adequate alternate planning by the applicant in terms of personal, educational, or work related responsibilities.

In general, notification of acceptance of an applicant to participate on a Leg will be made by the Manager of Science Services, about 4 months prior to the scheduled Leg. Notification to the applicant will be by letter, FAX, or e-mail and copied to the respective national ODP office.

A complete application consists of the following:

    1) A letter of introduction from the applicant indicating a specific leg or legs, why the applicant is interested in the program, and how they hope to benefit from participation;
    2) A curriculum vitae/resume;
    3) A letter of support from the applicant's primary academic adviser;
    4) A separate letter of support from the appropriate national ODP office;
    5) A completed application form:
    6) A list of three references or letters of recommendation.

Applicant Qualifications

Applicants for undergraduate trainee positions must meet the following minimum requirements:

    1) Good physical health (must pass pre-participation medical physical exam);
    2) Enrollement in a recognized center of higher learning in a JOIDES partner country, having an undergraduate status, and pursuing a degree in science or engineering;
    3) Able to get along well with others in a shipboard environment;
    4) Working knowledge of technical English (preferably fluency, for safety and instructional concerns); and
    5) Able to obtain required visas.


Member countries will be responsible for transportation charges to/from the ship (airfare) and hotel accommodation charges during port calls at the beginning and end of the cruise. ODP will be responsible for room, board, and laundry services on the ship. ODP will not be responsible for any compensation for accepted applicants.

The accepted applicant will be working twelve-hour shifts, seven days a week as determined by their mentor in consultation with the Co-Chief Scientists and Lab Officer.

The pre-participation medical physical examination (in accordance with ODP pre employment policies) must be successfully completed by the applicant and the results returned to the ODP Personnel Supervisor by the specified date.

Accepted applicants must provide their own steel-toed safety shoes to be available on day one of the beginning port call. Therefore, undergraduate trainees must purchase these prior to arriving at the port call. Additional safety equipment (gloves, hard hats, goggles, etc.) will be provided on board.

The full policy describing this program is available on the ODP web site.
U.S. participants who need further information may contact Andrea Johnson.
Non U.S. participants who need further information should contact their respective country office.

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Modified on Friday, 10-Oct-2003 13:32:02 CDT.